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Everything posted by sjordan2

  1. The Cugnot was produced in a 1:32 kit. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/precisia-le-fardier-cugnot--1011025 I was taken with the Rolls armored cars in the movie Lawrrence of Arabia. Evidently, that was replicated with a Peter O'Toole character in a scale model. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1788&bih=922&ei=aRK8XtSFPI-8tAbiupLYCg&q=lawrence+arabia+rolls+royce+tank+car&oq=lawrence+arabia+rolls+royce+tank+car&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoCCAA6BQgAEIMBOgYIABAFEB46BggAEAgQHjoECAAQHlDiFlinb2DScmgAcAB4AIABZogBvRWSAQQzNS4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ved=0ahUKEwiU3ub_k7HpAhUPHs0KHWKdBKsQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
  2. You probably know that the Stutz and Mercer are available in 1/16. Harry P. did both.
  3. And Google melts down and cries "Uncle!"
  4. https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1127878_engineers-laser-scanned-every-part-of-a-blower-bentley-to-manufacture-new-parts?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0rACuOJYyqCUZ1kZ-A03SHi4pO0Mo8hIsbl9p6B_Vkk772HijNpMv2qwE
  5. Very, very nice. I've been pondering how to make the glass headlight covers for my 1/16 kit.
  6. You can see styling similarities in the Fiat Dino coupe.
  7. Is Donn Yost still taking jobs? http://oldmansmodels.com
  8. I have that one, too. Also recommend Classic Cars/36 gatefolds, and the beautiful book on Ralph Lauren's collection, "Speed, Style and Beauty."
  9. Favorites from my teen years. Still have them about 60 years later.
  10. My correspondence: From: Customer Support <customersupport@hornby.us> To: sjordan47@comcast.net Sent: Wed, 29 May 2013 15:28:55 -0000 (UTC) Subject: RE: 1/12 Airfix Blower Bentley kit Hello Skip, We contacted Airfix UK and got an answer to your question. “Quite simple really. Bentley insisted on the change, due to the new plate being owned by someone in the company. Everything else is the same.” Now you can let the others know the reason for change. Regards, Steven Lesh Hornby America Inc. IT / Technical Support / Airfix Telephone: 253-922-7194 or 877-358-6405 ext 101 FAX: 253 922-7203 www.hornbyamerica.com
  11. I communicated with a person at Hornby/Airfix about what changes there may have been to the reissued kit, and he told me that the only change was to the registration number, dictated by the registration owner who was an executive at Bentley. I don't know if there was any issue with licensing from Ralph Lauren, owner of the original registration number, UR6571.
  12. I’ve spent a lot of time going over the Renwal/Monogram/Revell 1/12 Gullwing, and it’s not as irredeemable as it seems at first glance (unlike the horrendous trash of the 1/12 Ferrari 275GTB). Overall, the body is reasonably accurate except for doors that aren’t wide enough, but I can live with that, considering that any other large-scale Gullwing is way expensive. The engine bay is another matter and seems to have been designed by the blind men describing a camel, and the ridiculous shift lever, well, it’s ridiculous but easy to get right. I won’t bore you with further details, but I’ll be glad to answer questions
  13. https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1126480_last-minute-gift-for-gearheads-build-your-own-scale-mustang-v-8-with-moving-parts?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1pSAyw40pry3h6g_OMMe6Gqm70DRBjepr0iwf8pkULr28oERxYw2YzPiE
  14. You’re very meticulous, so this comment may be unnecessary, but don’t forget that the body shell is covered with fabric and isn’t as shiny as the bonnet, wings and gas tank. I only mention that since it looks so shiny here.
  15. I thought you’d find this interesting. Lots of pictures of various versions in the gallery section. https://www.ultimatecarpage.com/car/5814/Lotus-47-GT.html
  16. Just saw Ford v Ferrari yesterday and noticed a nice touch of authenticity — on a shelf in Ken Miles’ son’s room, there was what appears to be the kit box for Aurora’s 1/32 Lola T-70 kit from 1964.
  17. I posted a link to factory stickers but it does seem to appear here. Did you see it?
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