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Posts posted by guiwee

  1. sweet stance you gave it !!! keep up the good work. :unsure:

    I was gonna ask the same thing!! Did you ater it at all? The rear wheels look a lil low

    But maybe its me. Otherwise a good build of what looks like a decaling nightmare.

    Were the jagged lightning bolts decals too?

  2. Well don't stop posting them

    There is alotta love for them.

    Just don't make fun of some of us that Can't watch the Rallys.

    I say Can't since I would watch if I could.

    Be lot more exciting to watch than round De rounds. :lol:

    I may not know what all the cars are but I like them just the same..

    That's it, I'm gettin Dish. :lol:

    Hell Zuk I cant watch it either and know next to nothing about the rules or regs!!!!

    I would watch it also ..I have cable(comcast) and have never seen a rally either.

    Not gonna stop posting..seems like when I do there is some discussion about it :lol:

  3. I know what they are and I love them. Great job! We need more of this type of kit. Variety is the spice of life. How many Roadrunners can you look at in one lifetime (apparently quite a few)?

    Yeah this site seems more tailored to the 20s-80s cars.Nothing wrong with that.Ive been telling myself Im gonna build a 70s camaro but I havent made

    any progress yet. That build will fit right in here.All I do is primarily rally.f1.and race cars.I feel a little out of place here. But its a good site though.

    Check out my Red Bull Focus on here

  4. Wow had no idea a pug was a dog...ololololololololololololoololololololo

    Yeah I really really should have explained!!!!

    Hey dave the pic you posted was unclear it says deleted ill try to get it out of there and post another in its place!!

    Hey #1 amateur I didnt know we (the U.S.) couldnt import them? I dont know why not.... hell we import everything else :P:rolleyes:

    And i say this as a die-hard U.A.W. worker at one of the big(lil)3 :mellow:

  5. My bad guys I had assumed you guys would know what a Pug is.

    I should have explained in the topic part.... my mistake. I know this type of car isnt usually posted here.as not many people will be familiar with it.Hell I know im

    not...but as I used to subscribe to road and track magazine way way back, I did know the company.They used to make those funny headlights on their cars.

    How many of you remember that???? I like these little rally cars they build up cool. Rallying isnt big here in the states. The closet thing we have here in the states is the Baja 1000..I think...

    do they still run that event???Anyway this car is kinda cool to me it looks good.Peugeot is the second largest car maker in europe.... its French

    heres what its based on


    Hey Dave more can be found here..a lil w.i.p. http://s715.photobucket.com/albums/ww151/g...%20307%20%20II/

  6. that is a nice looking build

    now, this is merely a formality, you understand, but when ever anyone post a pic of a focus i must challenge them to race :lol:

    your red bull focus

    againt my blown 572 focus :unsure:


    Sure ....just let it be on gravel :):)

    Then we do a strip and I bet you Ill come closer to beating you with a

    combined time!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

    P.S. courrse has to be at lest 3 miles long..for both roads!!!

  7. Well I for one would love to know what site and what you did?

    Im a member of several different forums and all I do is post models and ask

    model related questions.

    This is one forum where people are more friendly and not judgemental.One forum Im on the quality is so nice I sometimes

    feel my work is inferior when I post. But I do anyway because I have raised my modeling bar high.

    this forum is more"shall we say"personal imho. I like that its a real friendly atomosphere here.

    The admins will occasionally tolerate some independent thought which I like!!!

  8. Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.

    Do you mind citing some of these parallels that you speak of?

    I dont think you can compare him to hitler thats a very strong statement

    I dont think he is trying to wipe out a whole race of people!!

    Our current president is a lot better than our last one.

  9. And I despise that since I am one of the "haves" it is expected of me to be like Robin hood and give my stuff to the "have-nots"

    I agree 110% ;)

    Well all I can say is as one of the haves I think since im in a position to help others I do.

    I have no problem with helping out the less fortunate of us.I personally feel as its my duty

    not as an american but as a fellow human being.Im not saying give away your life savings

    but its nothing wrong with helping out those who are less fortunate than us.

  10. This may be so, but it doesn't mean its right. Too much of what goes on now is more about image than truth. I guess thats what I've been trying to get at with my last few posts. Mainstream media is corrupt and biased, Hollywood is biased and conjures up images of what they think you should accept as truth. Schools are biased, some more than others. Do you know how brainwashing works?

    I totally agree with you on that subject. The media is much too powerful now.

    Gone are the days of real reporting.Now its about what sells the most,

    If boeing blows an engine on an airplane people think the airplane is unsafe..a deathtrap

    no one says Hey Boeing doesnt even make engines.only airplanes...Thats pratt and whitneys fault.

    Its all about style over substance.

    In my honest opinion America is going the way of rome(lol) The parrellels are astonishing(lol) ;)<_<

  11. That's right... the marketplace!

    Which is exactly how GM's fate should have been decided... by the marketplace.

    As someone who works in the industry(chrysler).I have a slightly different perspective.

    Personally I think its GMs mangement team... all the big three management fault.

    As a member of that group they should have seen all these problems years and years ago

    But no IF you ask me they ran them into the ground.They could have looked at the trends in the 80s 90s

    whenever. They have been losing marketshare for years.

    But do they make changes NO..oh sure they hire a new vp or director of sales or something.But in essence

    these bigwigs get in power and leave with "packages" and bonuses and !@#$. Theyre like coaches they

    just get recycled. The germans came in brought chrysler....robbed it blind then sold it off...totally uncool

    Personally I think there needs to be some sort of regulation against how many imports can be allowed in the country.

    Other countries do us like that whats wrong with if i sell you 2 million you buy 2 million(lol) But when you have former big 3

    executives lobbying on behalf of the imports its kinda hard.Hell we taught them how to build cars. They said thanks and learned

    what NOT to do. Plus the whole asian mindset and mentality is so different from americans.

    America is becoming a nation of consumers and not producers. Its always sad when a giant of the industry is in trouble.

    Same thing about Boeing the world got mad at the greedy americans putting their aircraft manufacturers out of business.

    They couldnt compete with boeing so they all ganged up and made airbus. Which to me just goes to show you no one likes

    a BIG DOG when it comes to nations.Gotta try to swipe at ther legs every now and then.

    I think im rambling now Ill stop ;)

  12. Ok guys what kit do I need for the "movie correct version.

    Yeah mirage your right the first bb I ever saw was a

    VW bug!! Dont think my son would know that though.

    As far as product trends go Im a UAW worker so anything which

    pumps up the industry Im all for!! I remember GM had a big

    thing with the matrix movies.The caddys(escalade and CTS)

    or whatever it was,I think that stuff is good for business

    and Im sure they probably have to pay big money to do that.

    Maybe Ill just get the amt camaro and do a current BB.

    Do they have correct decals in the box?

  13. Hey all ive posted and lurked here a couple of times. So now I thought Id do a w.i.p.

    This is a mild tribute to my 8yr old son. I took him to see transformers 2 after

    we watched the first one together.(BTW best movie Ive seen all year). Now

    every time he sees a yellow car he shouts out BUMBLEBEE. Since I dont have

    a 09 camaro in my stash thought Id sustitute this one. Dont even know if

    its the right year.But I do know in the first movie he was an "Old School"

    camaro first.

    This is a kit that Id started awhile back and never finished.So its partially primed and painted:


    Better shot?



    Anyone else ever used this (imo) crappy stuff



    I stripped the body first thats why it look yellow! That primer is really thick.No good

    at all.You guys in the" know" correct me on what year he was initially! (BumbleBee)

  14. looks good.

    i always liked these kits but i could never get over the curbside issue :lol:

    just out of curiousity

    are the belgiums the original pilots or is there a personal afection there ?

    Yeah I wish tamiya would do engines again! I think they used to on

    their older rally cars but I could be wrong.Someone help me out!!

    The hell if I know :unsure: Everything is straight out the box built and

    painted as per instructions.Like to build rally cars but not really a

    fan of the sport so I have absolutely no idea!! Cmon someone

    answer the mans questions.

    I know there are some purists out there : B)

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