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Everything posted by BRIAN46

  1. When will the next issue be released. The last one that I received in the mail was the October issue. Thanks for any input you can provide. Brian Pardue
  2. Here are a few more photos that I took this morning of my project. Waiting on the polishing cloths to come in and still have a few more things to do before it will be finished. Keep checking back and let me know what you think. You can see some more of my builds at http://s653.photobucket.com/albums.
  3. That spot on the hood was just a reflection. Thanks for your reply
  4. Started this project a few days ago. It is from a "Revell" STREETBURNER Shelby G.T. 350R Kit. It was painted with TAMIYA TS51 RACING BLUE. Will post more photo's as I continue . Let me know what you think so far. Any comments welcome. Brian Pardue
  6. Will be posting some photo's of the completed project. Let me know what you think. This is only my 4th build since the fifty's. Still need a lot of work to do on my builds. These trembling hands arn't as steady as they use to be but still enjoy trying to make something look nice. Brian Pardue
  7. Started this project a few weeks ago. It is the 2008 Shelby GT500 KR. I built it as box stock. Used Tamiya TS-30 (Silver Leaf ) for exterior and intgerior was painted black with hand brush. Hopefully Santa will bring me an airgun. Had lots of problems with the wheels staying on. Here are a few photo's of the work in progress. Brian Pardue
  8. http://i653.phthttp://i653.photobucket.com/albums/uu260/BRIAN1946_photos/MODEL% Here are a couple of pictures of the 1968 Mustang GT that I finished a few days ago. Just now figured out how to add additional photos from the help of the many members on this site. Thank you everbody. Brian Pardue Will be starting on the SHELBY GT500KR when I get back from Deer Hunting this weekend. Wish me luck
  9. Thanks for all of the information . I really to appreciate it and will give it a try. Not very handy when it comes to computors. It is all try by error with me. Didn"t have these things when I was growing up. Brian Pardue
  10. Can someone out there explain to me how to post multiple pictures to a post and what size should the photo be. I have looked on various sites but cannot find the answer. I see multiple post of your builds all the time so someone out there knows how. Thanks for any information. Brian Pardue
  11. Thanks for all the nice remarks. Now if I can figure out how to install additional photo's I will try to add a few more pictures of the 1968 Mustang GT. Brian Pardue
  12. will take a few more pics and and them to a new post. I am fixing to start on the 2008 SHELBY GT500KR and was wondering what color did you paint your chassis.
  13. First build since the late 50"s. Had a tough time with the bmf but plan on doing a better job. Built Box Stock an used model master wimblendon white spray paint. Tried to wire the engine but didn't look good so maybe next time I will try again. Engine is a 428 cobra jet high performance has racing wheels on rear. Brian Pardue
  14. When will the August issue be delivered to the local hobbie store in Houston texas
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