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Posts posted by slowbird

  1. Wow, nice! I have one sitting half-finished...really it just needs painted because I messed up the first attempt. That looks excellent.

    I have a resin IMSA Cougar body sitting around that I bought a while ago. Not sure if I'll be able to do anything with it, it's got a broken A-pillar and part of the spoiler is missing. But it's my favorite of all the IMSA cars.

  2. Awesome! I have the #25 version of that kit, along with a couple of the IMSA ones that used the same basic tooling. I have a Penngwen resin Merkur body waiting to be built with a Camaro donor chassis, as well as a resin IMSA Cougar body that needs some repairs made before it can get built.

    Sigh, if only I had the ability to do them right.

  3. oh boy...I agree on the chrome parts attached in bad spots. also, clear parts can suffer from bad sprue design. engine halves that don't line up no matter what you do, and tires that have severe marks on the tread from the mold, or got misaligned completely.

    also, radiator hoses are a pain in the butt no matter what you do ;) but my biggest pet peeve is when I screw up and don't notice until it's too late. glue on a body panel, scratches on the windshield, cutting a part too deep, sanding too much from a body panel, or having the whole darn thing put together before I realize I missed a bunch of mold lines. :o

  4. I stumbled upon these pictures a while ago, and I was just thinking someone could find them useful. I didn't know before seeing these, but there's actually two versions of this car, one that differs quite a bit from the version that Monogram made available as a kit. So if you have one of these on your shelf and are looking for something interesting to do with it, you could try scratchbuilding the one with the updated aerodynamic bits. (I can't scratchbuild much, especially since I have no sheet styrene. :lol:)

    The 16 car looks just like the kit, and the 6 car has strange wheel openings, new wing, and the doors stick out to match the fenders. There are some other slight changes also.

    There's also a few pics of a red one that is slightly different from the Miller version of the kit, with more red on the hood and fenders.


  5. Nice job on the sprint car. My dad had that kit, but he never finished it.

    Nice looking sprint car! I've always liked that one.

    If it'll make ya feel any better, the Revell SCCA Trans Am Camaros have Ford engines with Chevy valve covers! :lol:

    It's amazing how much they re-used from the 80's IMSA Mustang kit for the Camaro.

  6. Hi, I've been reading the forums for a few weeks now and haven't posted yet. I really like to see the finished models that everyone turns out. It's just amazing how realistic they can be. I'm nowhere near as good as most of you, but I try. B)

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