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Posts posted by bigmikevee

  1. Dave & Derrick,

    Compliments to you both, love your scratch-building abilities, amazing work, so enjoyable to view. Just stunning!! The detail work just pops right out. Thanks for posting, your skills are just beyond words.


  2. Hi gang,

    There is a IPMSHAMS car show in North Houston August 21st, just wondering if any folks attending. Believe it or not, this will be my very first model show, I have always wanted to attend one somewhere, but......

    Anyway, I am thinking about displaying 2 bikes and 3 cars, have safe way to transport, but not sure about how to display, know they should be clean, but what else? Tips are appreciated, since IPMS rules, do I need to bring the boxes or instructions for stock classes (dumb but I've been laughed at before) to prove what was in box? I can't wait to go, would like any tips you can provide, and would like to meet any modelers in the area that plan on attending. Wasn't going to display yet (like I said, been laughed at before....) but need to get out there and get some constructive criticism, I know it will just make me a better builder. Thanks you!


  3. Hey folks,

    I am struggling with BMF....and losing badly. I cannot make the cut around the doorlock, paint, polish etc. are all done, so can't use some of the other great ideas I've seen for pre-finish BMF on script and detail. Should I just use drop of paint? I just can't make the circle and can't get it to punch out to place on the doorlock, if I can't get it right will have to put scale shopping-cart dent on each side, and place in Walmart diorama. Help. Thanks.


  4. Romell,

    Thanks for the tip, clear and precise, I have to try on a future build, looking forward to seeing how you construct the door. I tried a scriber to open a project that got put away (for the time being) and it just seemed to cut wider as I cut deeper, so finished with the back of exacto blade, worked great, just have to be patient and let blade do the work. Would a variation of this work for hoods and trunks or do you do something completely different for those?

    Did Mr. Obsessive do a hood & trunk hinge write-up, I have his article on the door hinges in my magazine collection. Thanks.


  5. David,

    Thank you for the kind reply, still learning as I go. Your truck is absolutely stunning, I had seen pictures of it previously, just such a unique build!!

    On the aluminum tubing, I had heard about K & S from others that it is decent, but to try other products. Any recommendations? I must be looking in wrong places, because all my LHS's, which I will try before I go online, all have K & S. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!


  6. Hey folks,

    Using aluminum tubing for front forks on bike kit, looked good without sealing, but decided to repaint the plastic, stripped paint with E-Z Off, now aluminum looks a little mottled. Used polishing kit on the aluminum, and it cleaned up pretty good, should I seal forks now, and if so, what should I use? Can the tubing be painted (for another project) and if so, what kind of paint (enamel, lacquer, etc.) is best? I like the natural aluminum look, should I just paint them with Alclad? Thanks to all who reply!!


  7. Uelder,

    Mark said it all, just a beautiful build, truly a custom car, you ideas just blend together so well.

    I have one request, when you can, could you post a couple of pictures with the hood and trunk closed so we may admire the "lines" of the car?

    Thank you, beautiful work, a pleasure to look at!!


  8. You did a beautiful job Britney, nice to see you in the hobby, I love your car!! The picture on the flag looks great, hope you are as proud to have it as we are to see it built!! Please build some more and show us the pictures when you are done.

    Fellas, thanks for the tips on the trigger for the rattle-cans. One of my Godsons, who is only five, has built 3 snap-tite cars with me, now he wants to paint his own color, so that might be just the trick for him. Thanks.


  9. Okay boys,

    Move along, it's over, nothing to see here, uuhhmmm, spend what you can afford, pay your tab and take it outside, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here, how can we miss you if you won't go away, drive safe ( I used to be a bouncer in my younger days, still remember the verbage ) go sleep it off, and we'll see you next time we have happy hour and $1.00 steaks.

    I am a new member. Stop this. It makes me uncomfortable. I want to learn how to build good cars. I want to learn from the "masters". Our hobby is in a crisis. Between the ADD we inflict on the new generation, and the fact the what we do is "boring" to a lot of people who can't sit still for 15 minutes, much less spend the time it takes to creat one of our "mini-wonder works of art/freakin' coolest little things ya ever seen!!", we need to band together, promote our brotherhood, promote harmony, promote class & pride in our work, and hopefully inspire others to join us. Strength in numbers, so to speak. (That's another post for another time.)

    I am not very good.... yet. I want to admire your work, learn about your technique, ponder your ideas and just plain stare in amazement at the one thing in life that literally touches my youth, my creativity and makes me wonder how ya did dat!!. You all collectively (should) make me feel like I am part of something special, and 99% of the time I do. But, when I see something cool and want to give a pat on the back, I read the whole post before adding my comment, and what I waded through last night didn't work for me. I am a graying member of the modeling community, and was wise enough to realize "boys will be boys", and also wise enough to realize it will not dampen my fire one bit..... but...... a new person might have said @##%&^%%$@ and went to play Wii instead.

    Argue if you must, just take it outside. Period. I am new, and have zero status here. Fine. Just take it outside. Period. Take it outside. No more. If you can't enlighten and inform, share and learn, then S.T.F.U.


  10. Hey folks,

    I uuhhhmmm...just wanted to comment on the 68 Charger, I.... uuuhhhhmmm but feel like I am wading through a bar fight looking for the restroom. Uuhhh, the charger is uuuhhhhmmmm....YELLOW..... and uuuhhhmmm......PRETTY COOL....... and uuhhmmmmm......the tires are black and big and fat and cool...... and uuuhhhhmmmm, being a new guy (and a fairly inept builder so far....uuhhhmmm) as far as chrome goes, uuuhhmmmm.... I have bought some kits recently, and uuuhhmmmm..... they chrome the parts for you, I've seen it with my own two eyes...... uuhhhmmmm no offense fellas, uuhhhmmm.... it might not be the BEST CHROME but IT'S NOW MY CHROME.....so let me get by to use the commode...... uuhhmmm, and really, no offense to anybody ....uuhhmm, it's my first time here, only been in the neighborhood a little bit .....uuhhmmm think I'm gonna like it here as long as uuuhhhmmmm you take it outside, ok? Thanks.


  11. John,

    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Read my profile when you get time so you can see where I am in the hobby, right now just watching and trying to build CLEAN models, working on my basics and just enjoying building and reading the forums. Hope to post a couple of builds in the next few weeks, I'll let you know. Stay in touch and thanks again!!


  12. Charlie,

    The Blue Max has always been one of my favorite cars, and you did such a nice job on the build, color is just right, it looks ready to light 'em up!!

    I need to try some of your products, other builders always seem very happy with them, and they look great. Just love that car!! Thanks for posting.


  13. Hey Romell,

    Just letting you know how much I have been enjoying the build, really cool watching the car progress, your pictures are always so clean and clear, details just jump right out. Thanks for sharing with us!


  14. Hi John,

    Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy this post...the truck/car combination looks just wonderful and I enjoy looking at your other posts as well. You seem to be just enjoying the act/art of building, and to me, this is what this wonderful hobby is all about. Your work especially, has been one of the factors that has got me building cars again after a 20 year lay-off. Mistakes? I don't see them, I just see the passion and enjoyment in your work, and the joy you must get by sharing your work and seeing other builders work as well. Do I learn from watching? Yep. Who knows, maybe I will post something soon, and maybe someone will get inspired like I have been. Keep em' coming John and thanks.


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