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Posts posted by Zhu

  1. Drop dead gorgeous. Can.t see a single thing I don't like.

    We had a VN & flat deck delivering the fertilizer on the Estate back in the spring. I wish I'd had my camera with me, I could have crawled all over it taking pic's.

    When I got home & told Mary (my wife) she said;

    "Did you have your cell phone with you?"

    "Yep" came my reply,

    "Then you had a camera didn't you, you dipstick !!"


  2. Zero at the moment, and its been that way since April.

    I spend all my time developing my little farm, gardening & looking after my menagerie. I usualy start at about 7.00am'ish & finish up when it gets dark, thats about 10pm here in the South West UK.

    I don't know how I ever found time to go to work, I'm loving retirement. :)

    A bit later on in the summer when outside work slackens off a bit I hope to return to the bench.

    I do most of my modelling during the winter months when I guess I'm at the bench for at least 4 hours a day. And if I'm skiving off from, or hiding from, work that my wife wants done indoors I can lurk all day in the shed at my bench. :)

  3. What a shame.

    Why is there an us & them mentality.

    We all enjoy building models don’t we?

    And to debate the pros & cons of model building is a good & healthy thing.

    But why the need to berate another forum because they have a different approach on their board?

    A shared hobby is a hobby that benefits everyone, beginners like me & the experts among us too. To a greater or lesser degree we can all profit from both boards.

    By limiting oneself to just one board for……(enter your own reason here)…seams to me to be short-sighted & restrictive.

    Ok so you are all thinking “the dumb Britt just doesn’t get it†& you’d be correct. I really don’t understand the overly competitive nature that this board has against SA.

    I’d agree SA is different, but does different equate to bad? And in the grand scheme of things does it really matter.

    I remain an old guy bewildered & confused.

    Stay safe everyone.


  4. I’ve had a wonderful Christmas.

    Our festivities started on Christmas Eve with Carols up at the Hall. This was followed by the annual estate workers super served by His Lordship & Her Ladyship in the grand dinning room at the Hall.

    A very proud moment for my wife & I was having our eldest daughter directing the whole evening. She became Housekeeper to His Lordship this year so this was her first Christmas in charge. It brought a tear to my eye as she took the honoured place at the head of the refectory table & was served first by His Lordship.

    Christmas Day was exceptional. All 7 of our daughters crammed into our little cottage, we had a traditional goose dinner with all the trimmings, what a feast.

    We then had a short stroll into the village to the Pub where the Landlord opened up for a couple of hours, first drinks were “on the house†& much appreciated. Then back home to exchange presents & make merry & much merry was made well into the night I can assure you.

    As for presents; well, for me the best presents are the ones money can’t buy. And no amount of money can beat the contentment of having your precious family around you on Christmas Day.

    Merry Christmas everyone.


  5. DammCranky

    Posted Today, 05:49 AM

    Well, it's about 41 or lower in the garage, but it's time to go in there and make more progress. Stay tuned in!

    It’s a barmy 2 degrees here & falling in South West England Dr C.

    Too cold to be out in the shed or garage, I’ll be modelling on the kitchen table in front of the range tonight. Toasty & warm.

    Nice pictures Wheelman.

  6. I’m speechless, which my family will tell you is a first.

    This is a truly amazing piece of work Cranky.

    And so quickly built too, it’s only taken seven days to create this masterpiece; it takes me that long just to open a kit box.

    Its threads like this one that makes this forum a great place for inspiration, information & above all a fun place to hang out.

    Thank you.

  7. Well that turned out just peachy didn’t it.

    A great finale to one of the most interesting & enjoyable threads I’ve read in a long while.

    I’ve been tagging along from light to line, thanks for the ride Mr C.


  8. Very good, love the subject, colour & finish. In all I can’t see a single thing I don’t like.

    Your foiling is excellent; I wish mine was half as good.

    A joy to behold, thanks for sharing this beautiful model with us.


  9. ooooe, thats nice, very nice indeed. B)

    Probrably a daft question as you said its an out of the box build but are the blue line tyres in the kit? Decals maybe?


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