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About Lordmodelbuilder

  • Birthday 02/22/1964

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  • Scale I Build
    1:24, 1:25

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  • Full Name
    Brad Phillips

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Lordmodelbuilder's Achievements

MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Since I wasn't able to attend, is the museum being moved?
  2. Had planned for years to be there,but sadly cannot make it. Should have tried to carpool with someone from California. Have fun everyone & take lots of pictures!
  3. Turned out awesome KK. Was hoping to see it in person at GSL,but sadly I cannot make the trip. Good luck!
  4. This old IMC bug is the oldest WIP model I have. Was built stock in 1969,then ripped apart in the early 80's when I started the front engine V8. I have most of it & plan on doing a Cal Bug look.......someday....
  5. Thanks! That's the kit I have. It was built when it 1st was released gasser style. Trying to get it back to a street machine look.
  6. Nice work on the Strat & the engine/ engine stand. I will be looking forward to meeting you & seeing your diorama at GSL.
  7. Another sweet build! Never tire from seeing all your detailing!
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