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Posts posted by Chitown

  1. That looks really great! Very clean building and kept simple, bet it was fun!

    As a kid I avoided Lindberg stuff like the plague after getting my first one.

    And for the typical reasons; lack of detail, no chrome, plastic tires, somewhat clunky appearance to some parts, etc.

    These days I'm really digging the look of a lot of their kits and find them most charming in their simplicity. They can provide a really good basis for vintage hot rods that can look great right out of the box.  I've been getting a few choice ones here and there and plan to do an all-out drag version of that first Lindberg kit I bought, the White Lightnin' dirt track car.

    IIRC, I ended up getting it at a convenience store that had minimal kits on hand. It was what appeared to be the closest thing to a hot rod they had.

  2. Wow, that's really nice, one of the best builds of this kit I've seen!

    I've always loved the yellow altered rendition on the original IMC box, but the assembled kit never seemed to match the drawing.

    It always looked kind of awkward to me.

    I've got a Union reissue I plan to do that box art car with. 

  3. Just saw this on a FB page a couple days ago. I didn't know it was available as a kit car, but I thought it was The Magician built by Jerry Pennington and shown back in the '70s.

    I saw his Scorpion, and Devilfish at World of Wheels in Chicago in the early '70s. Like those much better than this, even though the Magician does seem to flow a bit better than the Markette

  4. Man that looks great!

    I too built one back when it was new and found myself wanting one again a few years ago.

    But after getting a real good look at the offerings on Ebay, I realized I really didn't like the look of that body. I quickly cooled on the idea of trying to score one.

    IMO the Camaro has always been the best looking out of that first batch of Revell funnies. I have a couple reissue Camaros and an original unbuilt Mustang in the stash.

    But seeing what you've done with it is lighting the fire again as it's easily the best looking rendition I've ever seen.

  5. Had a building buddy long ago who liked to drive a nail into a crack in his basement floor, tie a bunch of rubber bands together end to end, wrap the middle of the chain of rubber bands around that nail. Then we'd both take a car and secure either end of the rubber band chain to the front bumper of the model, stretch them apart as far as we could, and on the count of three let go!

    We then would reassemble the pieces and do it again a couple days later after the glue dried. Used his models, his idea, I just aided in the destruction. He gravitated towards factory stock, quick builds OTB, wheels had to roll, whereas I was into drag cars, rods and customs, and paint detailed mine.

    Now that I think back, many a currently hard to find Johan kit met it's demise then.

    Me? I'd use firecrackers or a BB gun.

  6. Wow, that is beautiful!

    I always loved that car.

    Went to the Starbird Museum a couple years ago to see it's recreation and several other historic customs. It's quite a thrill to see in person one of a kind cars that you've only seen in magazines and/or built models of. I'd recommend the trip!

    Fantastic job, thanks Guy!

  7. Wow!

    That is just awesome, probably my favorite take on this kit.

    Love the back story too. Reminds me of my favorite feature builder from the old Car Model magazine, Hank Borger.

    His articles were always entertaining along with being informative.


  8. On 2/18/2020 at 6:30 PM, cobraman said:

    Long ago there was a place in Chicago called " Starks Warehouse". It was sort of like a railroad salvage. You never knew what they would have so it was fun to go and hope to see some kits. They almost always had some and my dad would always buy me one or two.

    Starks! My brother and I used to go there, they had a couple locations. It reminded me of an Army-Navy surplus store on steroids. Don't recall ever seeing models there, maybe I just never found them, the places were so big. I do recall they always had electric guitars, the real weird low-end and off brand ones. Wasn't interested so much then as I just wanted a Fender. Wish I could go back and get a few of those now.

  9. Don't know if this was already mentioned, but my particular sore thumb is hoods that don't sit flush with the fenders. I've seen plenty of builds with really nice paint and clean assembly, but the front edge of the closed hood is sitting proud of the fenders. And once I've seen it, I can't un-see it!

    It's definitely something I'll be paying attention to once I finally return to building, which should bee soon.

  10. I've gotten kits from all kinds of unexpected places in the Chicago area back in the '70s.

    The Revell '70 Mustang Grande from Radio Shack for .99 cents with a coupon.

    An original AMT '29 Ford/Ala Kart kit from a mom & pop convenience store.

    An original AMT '69 Corvair from another m&p c-store.

    Used to get various tiny military kits from Walgreens that were packaged in a plastic bag stapled inside what was essentially a large (4-5") matchbook cover with a photo of the finished model on the front. Can't remember who made them. Wasn't particularly into military stuff, but it was all they kept and hey, they were models!

    Got a few Pyro motorcycle kits from White Hen Pantry convenience stores.  Once entered a contest held by a 7-11.

    Would get car kits regularly from the Osco drug stores that were connected to Jewel grocery stores. They usually were good for surprising me with new releases. Kinda miss that excitement building as I walked down the aisle towards the models.. The interwebs more or less put an end to that.

    The Plaid Stamps gift books would have a couple of models in them. I remember larger scale sailing ships for the most part. Anyone remember Paid Stamps or S&H Green Stamps?

    And the one that started it all for me, the original issue Revell '51 Henry J, purchased from a Rexall drugstore about 1970-'71. That box art with the red and white J coming off the line in a giant wheelstand ignited something in my 10 year old gray matter that caught fire. It also taught me early on to look around in any store I was in, which was exciting in itself. Kinda' like a scavenger hunt. Gave me something fun to do while mom was shopping for whatever boring things like food, clothes etc. we needed.

    I'm sure there's others i can't recall at the moment.



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