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Posts posted by Redzula

  1. Redzula, I think you misunderstood me. What kit did the trailer come from or with? Sorry about that. For spending 15 minutes on it you did a great job.


    It is just a testors diecast trailer kit. the trailer only took 15 minuted the rest took a while longer

    That looks great!!

    Don't forget to tie down the load on the traier tho!!


    any suggestions for how to do that

  2. It looks really nice to me. What did the trailer come with? I understand your reluctance to weather it while not being sure how to. My next leap will be opening a trunk or some doors. Weathering will come later to me. I just learned how to get a beautiful finish on the body. I'm new here too so we'll be learning along with each other.


    the trailer came with ramps a screwjack up front and the wheels and suspersion it took all of 15 minutes to assemble.

  3. So I finished everything up for now. I may touch up a little before I take them to goodguys in Des Moines.

    I was going to rust the swap meet stuff but decided, based on the fact that I have no idea how to rust things, to just paint the body stuff flat black as if the seller painted it quick to make it look less rough. basically I was going to paint it black and then work on rusting it but then realized that I had no idea how and didnt want to ruin it. I also finished up the hauler too









    go easy on me this is the first time I have really tried to detail a model and am still figuring things out. I would like to get into adding the plugwires and lines and what not but for not I'll just stick to the basics.

    Thanks for looking

  4. I messed up the frame trying to modify it for the 32 tudor. and because I did not know how to scratchbuild things I decided to make the parts I had and make them into swap meet parst that I will attach to a car trailer(on its way to me). and then build a 50 ford F-1 kit I had laying around.

    So for I have pie chopped the tudor and distressed the plastic a little. I still plan on making it look rusted a bit with primer sports over the chop. there are also a couple beat up looking fenders that I need to antique. I have never tried anything like this so go easy on me but here is the body.






    And here is the truck

    I painted it last night in a 20 deg garage(probably not my best idea) so the paint is ugh, but I'll work with it a little and hopefully make it look a better.






    as I said the trailer is not here yet but its just a diecast car trailer I found on google shopping. I plan to glue the parts on it so that it looks right.

    I am just starting to modify models. I started by just lowering them and then I shaved doorhandles and stuff. I think its fun but am no where near the levels of most guys on here. I am always up for suggestions and tips. let my know I love to absorbe information like that. Thanks for looking.

  5. Ok so I paint school busses for a living and I also went through auto collision school where we had to paint metalics including a spray out after the final coat to blend the metalics in the paint. However whenever I try to spray from a can on my models the flake collects together and is never uniform, how are you guys painting in order to make the final product uniform?

    I will try to get pics soon but they might have to wait till after t-day

  6. Adam - Modelhaus offers 4 different Metropolitans - they're not cheap, but well worth it IMO. Their website shows a 1954, 1955, 1959 and 1960.


    I got a resin Met from an anonymous seller on Ebay a year or so ago for less than Modelhaus sells theirs, but a few bits were poorly cast and/or missing...and the body required more cleanup than Don's stuff too. I ordered the missing parts from Don, and wound up spending the same amount I would have on his Met offering B)

    If you do get one and can use any reference pics, I have full access to my friend's 1958 Met(until the snow flies, that is). Email me if I can help.


    thanks dave I have been looking via google search for like 6 months and then I join here and find one in a couple hours lol. are there any pics on his website or do you just trust that he is good. also do his kits include everything or would i need to find extra parts to finish the kit?

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