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About martinfan5

  • Birthday 09/26/1980

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24th / 1/25th

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  • Full Name
    Jonathan Stephens

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. AMT did a few full detail glue kits for the current/last gen Camaro, the 2017 MY, as well as the snap kits.
  2. New from Hasegawa, Honda Civic SiR (EF9), coming late March
  3. Recent stash reduction fails from the last few months.
  4. Nice to know I am not the only one that does that 😄
  5. You can adjust the percentage of those random events and detours to even completely turn them off , I have them set really low, pro tip, most of the detours you can drive thru the accident without issues.
  6. The BTTF version would be an instant buy for me, hoping Aoshima's love affair with the movies will motivate them to do it.
  7. On Display at the All Japan Model & Hobby Show , the 2022 NiSMO R35 GTR , this is being done in their SnapCar Series, three body colors are offered, red , white, and gray, due out soon.
  8. I meant LHD parts , but for some reason I typed USDM, dunno why I did that.
  9. Very happy to see all these getting done, figures, I kit bashed several Hilux kits a few years ago to make a stock long bed US version . I am going assume the LHD parts will be included since its being done as the USDM version and they just used the RHD for the show display. Happy to see them finally doing stock-ish version of the two low riders kits.
  10. Announced at the All Japan Hobby & Model Shop
  11. On display at the All Japan Model & Hobby Show
  12. On display at All Japan Hobby show
  13. Mostly built out of the box, paint is Tamiya LP white and Black, modified the push bar to make it closer to CHP style, added the LED light heads on the sides/middle bar, made a gun rack, added a 3D printed antenna puck, used the wheels and tires from the Lindberg Dodge Charger.
  14. Mostly and out of box build, Paint is Dodge Silver from Scalefinishes, I used a diecast Federal signal Valor lightbar ( what DPS uses) I made a base for it as the one that it comes with is too big, toy like. I added a radar unit, swapped the siren speaker for one that is closer to what DPS runs, decals were not best, laser printed from a local police car enthusiast photographer. I also added a 3D printed antenna puck on the roof.
  15. Yes shipping will be extra at most of them.
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