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Mr. Can Am Garage

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Posts posted by Mr. Can Am Garage

  1. Current City of Newport police cars have black front & rear clips with everything else. AFAIK, none of their cars were destroyed. Just the Orleans County Sheriff.

    From what I've heard (I have a friend who is a City of Newport councilor), the Sheriff was leaning towards new Fords before this happened. Again, based on what I know, the Sheriff doesn't have much choice in the graphics package as all Vermont Sheriff cars use the same basic graphics - White cars with red graphics.

  2. DSCF4399-vi.jpg

    The LongStar has been moved to my familiar Garage and the second steer axle is on for good. Next up will be it's shocks and the actual steering gear.

    Why so little progress? Aside from life getting in the way, I spent a couple of hours today walking around the Industries NRC facility today. Sure wish cameras were allowed but they weren't. I do have a better idea on how certain parts are constructed on the 1:1s and that will help in scale.

  3. 39_452-vi.jpg


    This. This being a NRC Industries Heavy Incident Manager or HIM for short. This one is mounted on a KW while mine will be mounted on a LoneStar.


    Kinda like this. This is also a NRC wrecker but just a straight wrecker as opposed to the HIM which is a 80/65 Sliding Rotator (SR).



    .This is courtesy of NRC and I'll be going to visit the NRC plant this coming Wednesday with Mr. Plaskit (Dan Gailloux) who has known them for years..

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