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Posts posted by gkendall

  1. Ok, I am searching for a hose for my airbrush. It has the 5mm fitting on the airbrush end, but do I need to get a special fitting on the compressor end? Would a ¼ NPT be the kind of end I should look for or do they even make a hose with that end? I am thoroughly confused here. Why can’t this be simple? HELP

    Gary <><

  2. Ok, I am new to this air brush thing. I was downstairs tonight and hooked everything up and painted with my compressor and air brush and when I stopped for a minute, WHOOOOSHHH :blink::blink: the nozzle on the small hose that goes to the air brush blew apart. So, my question is, What PSI do I need to set the compressor at in order to be able to paint? Also, I may need to ask you exactly how to do this, as I thought I had it set as low as it would go, but…evidently not. Let me know ;):unsure:


    Gary <><

  3. Ok guys, don’t be too hard on me, I am new to this stuff, but I want to do it correctly, so I have an air compressor with a tank that I will be using to run my air brush. I now have a paint booth and am wanting to get a water filter(I think that is what they are called) and the hookups for my small air hose to my compressor. Now, this is her I need the help. I will put the water trap (filter) between the regulator and the place I plug in the normal air hose correct? Then what do I use or do I need to get so I can hook up my small air hose from my air brush to the compressor? Sorry for sounding stupid, but I don’t know how to hook all of this up. What do I need to go and get and how do I do it? All help is appreciated


    Gary <><

  4. I hope this is the right place for this, if not, I apologize, and please help me to put it in the correct place.

    Ok, I have a question. I am in the process of building the 55 Nomad as a gasser. As I am planning and test fitting, I noticed that most reference pics do not have the front wheel wells. So, my question is, what is the best way to get rid of them for this build? I noticed that the battery and radiator uses the wheel wells to fit properly, so getting rid of them completely may not be an option.

    I mostly build stock and this is a new endeavor for me, so all help is greatly appreciated


    Gary <><

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