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Posts posted by 91blaze

  1. Is there a website that illustrates the detail differences between the '65-'69 Corvairs? I hate to say it, but they all look alike to me, except for the obvious side marker lights on the '68 and '69.

    The late model (65-69) Corvairs were fairly identical from the outside. The only major exterior differences were the taillights and markers on the fenders. The '65 taillights are different from the '66 + years. Also, the Monza and Corsa trims have emblems on the front fenders behind the wheel well. I believe the '65's also had the front emblem on the hood rather than the nose. The main differences in the late models were mechanical in nature such as brakes, electrical, steering column, and the interior (all I can remember right now). The early models had more differences between years, though still not many.

  2. IMO just because a girl happens to drive a car, it doesn't mean it's a "girl's car". Rather what makes a girl car is one that is mostly driven by girls, like VW Beetles. Also, girl's cars can be made less "girlie", and vise-versa, so don't feel like all Miatas, Beetles, etc. are girl cars.

    My list:

    2nd Gen Beetles


    Most convertibles

    4th gen Mustangs


    Like I said, girl cars can be made less girlie and vise-versa.

  3. That GMC is a truck... obviously, I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to grasp the concept. And if your topic gets moved to a different section, so what? What is it hurting? Adding more sections only makes things more cluttered and confusing and merging areas is only going to make people upset. No matter what they do, somebody is going to upset with the change so everybody might as well accept the way it is and follow the rules.

    Also, not sure why people don't realize the "Truck" section is split into "Big Rigs" for semis and commercial, and "Pickups, Vans, SUVs, Light Commercial", pretty self explanatory.

  4. Actually, they put that same Corvair transaxle into early Tempests and Lemans, turned backwards and with a Pontiac 4 or V8 up front.. very screwy set-up... you can climb under the thing while its running and watch the torque converter going around on what looks like a rear end... it has a crazy non-linear driveshaft between the trans-axle and engine.... if you have never investigated this check it out, its interesting if nothing else:)

    I've heard about those but never got to check one out in person.

  5. The Corvair transmissions were unique to Corvairs, being designed to accommodate a rear-wheel drive configuration. The Corvari 2-speed automatics, and the later 4-speed manual "Saginaw" Corvair boxes were similar to front-engine designs internally, and shared some parts.

    And "turbocharged" would be the correct term. "Turbo-powered" really implies a turbine engine.

    Europeans had been building unibody cars for years, the Citroen Traction Avant of 1934 being among the earliest, and the Nash 600 of 1941 being America's first entry.

    I always understood that the transmissions were pretty much identical with only a few changes to make it work in the Corvair. Hence the reason why the engine runs reverse of a normal engine so they didn't have to create a whole new transmission.

    And yes, I know it wasn't the first unibody car, but it was one of the earlier American cars to be unibody. It wasn't the first but certainly helped with acceptance of unibody construction.

  6. I don't see a whole lot of Corvair in the Camaro, other than the "hip" rear fender kickup that was seen on most GM cars of the mid-late '60s.

    What Corvair mechanicals did the Camaro have? Was the front end geometry similar, or something, because I can't think of anything else.

    IIRC, the interior and exterior of the Camaro were designed by the same person that designed the Corvair, the body is the same "coke bottle" style. The front suspension and late model rear suspension of the Corvair was pulled from the Corvette and modified somewhat. It is my understanding that this led to the design of the Camaro front suspension. The Corvair used the same transmissions, braking system (drums and MC), and other bits and pieces as other GM cars of the era and can generally be swapped around.

    My point was more that the Corvair was directly responsible for the design of the Camaro and shares many parts with other cars of the time period. Not to mention, the Corvair was the first turbo-powered passenger vehicle along with the Oldsmobile Jetfire and was one of the earlier unibody vehicles built.

  7. Which did more to kill the Corvair--Nader, or the Ford Mustang, which dominated the same market (sporty compact) without further competition for a good two years? Discuss.

    Nader actually kept the Corvair alive because GM was planning on cutting it sometime in '66 due to sales. When Nader made his claims, it forced GM to continue production so they would not be seen buckling under to Nader. The Mustang and Camaro ultimately stole the Corvair's sales, although it is interesting to note that the Corvair was the main reason that the Mustang was built in the first place. Also, the Camaro shares a lot of styling and mechanics with the Corvair.

  8. It is funny how History twists things . Corvair Stories just continue to deflect the truth . The Rear Suspension Design was ';

    BANNED BY EVERY SANCTIONED COMPETITION ORGANIZATION WORLDWIDE DUE TO INSTABILITY WHEN DIVERTING FROM A STRAIGHT AHEAD DIRECTION .,. PERIOD . This came to pass in 1953 . The Corvair came equipped with this Death Trap Design to save the Corp .50 per car . So what's the cost of a few deaths . None unless it is one of your loved ones . Does anyone else remember Ernie Kovacs ? In the 1964 MY , the Safer design the Engineers wanted in the first place was made the only Production process for these units . The comments still continue today how safe these were to drive . I owned a 1960 in 1966 . I would not sit in a Parked and disabled one today . Especially one making any other attitude than straight ahead .

    Ralph Nadir did not hate the Corvair . Nor hate GM as a matter of fact . He just had a walk on Easy Street pointing out how dangerous the Cars were at that time citing GM blunders . Pnrdl's anyone instead of PRNDL's ? Unbelievably Gm was the best at producing Cars that would fail and kill people . Just like Today this is inarguable . Also , Ralph did own a Late Model '55 Chevy . He drove it for less than a month and sold it . The dangers of this Vehicle scared him that he spent the rest of his life in the back seats while others drove . So , let us not honor a significant piece of Automotive History by giving it the proper recognition it does deserve . If just to honor the Victims that were killed due to this wholesale recklessness upon consumers .

    I am proud to have Corvairs in my Collection . I don't want a 1"1 near me .. Thanx ..

    Do a little research before you start bashing anything. The Corvair was released to the public in 1959 so it could not have been banned in '53 like you state. Ralph Nader believed that the Corvair was unsafe due to design when in reality it was inexperienced drivers and poor maintenance that caused any accidents. The early Corvairs were prone to sudden oversteer in extreme conditions, however, the big problem came from people putting incorrect tire pressures. The Corvair required a 10 psi difference in tire pressure which many owners did not follow and instead put 30 psi all around like other cars. Yes, Nader did point out problems with the auto industry, however, if it was up to him we would all be driving 20 mph safety bubbles. Feel free to ask any questions regarding the Corvair, I'm more than knowledgeable enough to answer whatever you can throw at me.

    BTW, the Corvair was exonerated from Nader's claims by the NHTSA in 1972: http://www.corvaircorsa.com/handling01.html

    Unfortunately the media didn't spread this like they did with Nader's book.

  9. I don't know why I have to repeat it, except for new members, that Harry NEVER retouches anything from his source except to remove identifying badging and scripts. Otherwise, his examples are the way he found them.

    Correct. What would be the point of me altering the image?

    The only changes I ever make is to either resize or crop the image when necessary, and sometimes I'll fix the color balance or sharpen the image a bit... but I don't change or alter or add or delete anything that wasn't there in the photo as I found it, aside from blurring or blacking out any identifying badges or logos or license plates.

    Alright, since you all insist on making a deal out of it, I will explain.

    Through a little research I had found the true "original" of this image and it did not have a headless person in it. That's why I suggested maybe Harry did it, perhaps because of an identifiable person or whatever, I don't know. Skip, Harry very well could have shopped it for the this reason, so no need to be rude. I for one don't recall your post about Harry retouching images, and I've been around long enough to not be "new". After your post I did a little more searching and found that somebody along the line did indeed do a little shopping to the picture. Not Harry, but it has been messed with.

    So to answer your question "What would be the point of me altering the image." there's your answer. My bad for thinking I could suggest something so harmless without making someone upset :huh:

  10. I wonder how long it will take Tesla to offer the 3000 mile extension cord option.

    Pure electric cars are fine if you never need to drive further than the single charge range and can charge up again while you're away from the car for an extended period of time.Until the fact that the range is limited can be overcome(probably never) the pure electric will NEVER be anything but a short range commuter vehicle.And who needs a six figure priced car that you can't hop into and drive long distances without multi-hour layovers while the thing recharges?

    The Tesla Model S gets 250+ miles per charge and can be recharged at Supercharger stations located in North America, Europe, and Asia for free. The station charges to 50% in 20 minutes and 80% in 40 minutes. There are currently over 100 in the U.S. right now and will cover 98% of the country by 2015. If you wish to check it out look here: http://www.teslamotors.com/

  11. Are you using Safari or another browser for this? Part of the problem might be size, the iPhone takes pictures that are about 2 mb each and can take time to upload. The best way I've found to get pictures is to transfer them to the computer, resize to 1500 pix wide, then upload to photobucket. The avatar is different since it needs to be a certain size and can be directly uploaded from your computer. I resize them to this because they are small enough to fit the forum and still have a lot of detail.

    Hope this helps, if not I can clarify any points.

  12. They have wrote tickets here for being too low. I can't remember if it was 23 or 28 inch bumper height..

    That's more like the max for lifted truck bumpers. From what I've found, no part of the car can be lower than the bottom of the rim. In this way if you get a flat tire the wheel will still carry the weight.

  13. On a divided highway (with a barrier or median between the opposing lanes) you do not have to pull over. At least everywhere I've been is that way. If they are going the same direction as you, you do have to pull over though.

  14. Nobody ever said it can. Did you read the story about that British university that I posted?

    Yes I read it and find it quite interesting. I see it as a way to keep current gasoline vehicles from becoming useless, but I still don't see it as a viable long-term solution. Perhaps they will find easier ways to synthesize it but this just seems like it uses way more energy to make than it will ever put out. The fact that nothing new has come out makes me think it may have hit a wall in research or the funding was ended.

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