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Everything posted by streetmachine11

  1. thanks tyler. the wheels are from fujimi comes as a wheel, tire and brakes kit. there called rs wantanabe. i picked a few packs up at pegasus hobbies when i went to cali. but you can find em on ebay and such for 10-15 bucks
  2. ok, time for an update... narrowed the irs and made a leafspring out of brass... quick mock up with the new wheels.... new coat of primer.... thanks for looking.
  3. this build started about six years ago. after rethinking and wanting to make some changes, it got dusted off and put back on the workbench. the doors were opened with a hotknife years ago (before i discoverd the back of an exacto blade) so the door gaps have been repaired, the jambs and hinges built, new hood scoop and a set of scratchbuilt rear window louvers molded in the body. the fender flares were scratch built along with the spoiler, and shaving door handles and vents were all done the first time around. after the original idea of a 60s custom, its taking a turn to a modern pro touring look.
  4. viperfanboy, here are some of the progress pics here there are a lot of pictres of this build if your interesed ill give you the album link
  5. The block and Trans are painted flat aluminum it made from vht and the mesh is from ksmetals.com stock number #02207
  6. yea still learning the photobucet thing lol ill get some of those re posted for you
  7. wheels...... clear coat.... top everything closed..... everything opened up.... thanks for looking....
  8. got the black done.... next update will be tonight should be able to get it cleared and the wheels done so they can be put on insted of just setting there. thanks for looking
  9. The wheels are from the kit they come chrome but I gave them a bath so the can be painted black like the factory. The wheels are just setting there now but good catch ill make sure there not backwards on final assy.
  10. I can try to.. This is my first post so im still getting used to everything
  11. They were based with stainless steel paint then airbrushed copper, gold and blue to give it that used look.
  12. Thanks for the coments everyone. All the vents will have brass screen behind them when finished. Ill have another update later today.
  13. thanks everyone for all the coments! finished up the bodywork, final prime ready for paint. side air vents were opened up...... hood vents.....
  14. ok ill try again chassis.... engine oil dipstick and exhaust
  15. Its going to be red and black. http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u367/Streetmacine11/2011-07-28145502.jpg Chassis all finished http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u367/Streetmacine11/2011-07-28145539.jpg exhaust airbrushed http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u367/Streetmacine11/2011-07-21093505.jpg Oil dipstick http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u367/Streetmacine11/2011-07-28145613.jpg Should have another update tonight. Thanks everyone.
  16. revell dodge viper acr cut the doors open opened up the hood vents... scratch built hinges..... door jambs.... thanks for looking more soon
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