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Greg Wann

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Status Replies posted by Greg Wann

  1. Hey Greg, I could really use a set of the Eleanor wheel centers. PM me and let me know. Thanks

    1. Greg Wann

      Greg Wann

      Hi Ken,  Glad you like them, you are welcome.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hey Greg, I could really use a set of the Eleanor wheel centers. PM me and let me know. Thanks

    1. Greg Wann

      Greg Wann

      9500 1103 5273 9035 2218 55


      HI Ken,

      Here is your tracking number.   You should get it Thursday

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hey Greg, I could really use a set of the Eleanor wheel centers. PM me and let me know. Thanks

    1. Greg Wann

      Greg Wann

      Hi Ken,

        I will send a couple of sets for $10.00.  Paypal to:



      Thank you,


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey Greg, I could really use a set of the Eleanor wheel centers. PM me and let me know. Thanks

    1. Greg Wann

      Greg Wann

      Hi Ken,

        Give me your address.  I will send you a couple of sets.  I will let you know postage, probably around $3.50.  I'm thinking you might be in Rhode Island or maybe Wisconsin?  I could call it $10.00 bucks total


      Thank you,


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just signed up.  So you still by chance make the Eleanor transkit?

    1. Greg Wann

      Greg Wann


        Yes, I can still make them.


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