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Posts posted by White7000

  1. Thanks everybody!

    On 4/5/2023 at 11:27 PM, Sergey said:

    I would tinted the grill a little, as you did with wheels.

    As I understood, there is something like blinds on the radiator, which open and close as necessary. I made them closed, like in the last photo, so I decided not to use shadows.

    On 4/5/2023 at 11:27 PM, Sergey said:

    Waiting for it on other site!

    You'll see soon, I think. I sent a publication request two weeks ago.

  2. Thanks for your coments, guys!

    11 hours ago, DRIPTROIT 71 said:

     How did you do the cab? Did you use the back of the old MPC cab on the AMT cab? I’m assuming that you used the MPC dashboard? 

    No, Brian, I modified cab from the box. I cut out about 3mm space behind the doors and shifted the back wall forward.

    The dash is fully scratch built. Until i started this project, i thought that all r-macks have the same dash. And I was surprised seeing simple steel dash on the old short cabs. So I had to work little  more and create one.


    I also had to create the rear axle and rear springs from scratch, because tandem axle in the box is absolutely different.

  3. On 11/21/2020 at 12:43 AM, Warren D said:

    Great job!  I've often thought of building some of the other trucks from the movie.

    Thanks, Warren!

    I grew up on this  movie. In my childhood it was impossible to find any information about those ancient trucks,  no books, no magazines, no internet, nothing. Only those old trucking movies. That's why I've watched them hundreds of times and remember every truck, even used for minor action.

    And now i want to enjoy seeing them on my shelves.


  4. Thanks, guys! I'm glad you like it.

    8 hours ago, TECHMAN said:

    Did you "scratch build" the load on the trailer?

    Yes, the load is fully scratch build. I also modified AMT flatbed trailer and lowered it 4mm at the back.

    2 hours ago, Safire6 said:

    Did you use the AMT kit for the 352

    Yes I do. I shorted  wheelbase on 10mm, modified front axle, made some new details: air filter, exhaust support, cab lift hydraulic cylinders, grill, mirrors, door handles and some other.

  5. Thanks everybody for your coments!

    This truck was made from Diamond Reo kit. I used only chassis (shortered), cab and engine. Other parts are made by myself: hood, fenders, grille, bumper, cab interior, air filter, fuel tanks (right one was taken from GMC Astro kit), wrecker boom.

    I desided to make it without blood because of my children. Lets imagine the truck was like this a few weeks before the moovie.

    I'm glad you like it!

  6. . Are you using the MCG piano hinges? I'm having abosulte fits making them work. can you post a how to ? If your using an alternative I'd like top learn how?

    Hello! The material I used to make doors open you can see on the photo. I cut out form that I needed, glue one side to the door and another side to the cab. So, the door is ready. This method is very simpe and can be done in 15 minutes but it's working.


  7. А для чего если не секрет логотип "Leslie Leasing Co"?


    Приветствую! "Leslie Leasing Co"- надпись на двери синего 352-го Пита из того-же фильма. Как раз на днях начал над ним работать. Фильм в детстве сильно запал в душу, поэтому сейчас хочу потихоньку воссоздавать машины-участники. Причем не те что на первых ролях (Резиновых утят и Свинарников делают многие), а что-нибудь из второго плана, например белый Brockway или красный двухосный Mack.

    А насчет времени это точно. Я свой Mack лепил по вечерам примерно год!!!!

  8. That's a gorgeous build!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you use the decals that the other member on here has been developing? (I forget his name at the moment). Very nice work!

    Thank you! I draw this decal by myself and one good guy in Russia print it for me.

    About hinges. I didn't use piano hinges. They are made of very thin transparent plastic. Day after tomorrow I'll make some photos to explain how it works.

  9. Привесвую Сергей! С детсва болею американскими (и не только) грузовиками (фильм "Конвой" сыграл здесь не последнюю роль).Уровень детализации вашей модели просто потрясающий! Замки на аккумуляторных ящиках, рабочие аммортизаторы, двигатель как будто с рекламного проспекта мак, просто фантастика! Только непонятно, зачем клеить такую огромную декаль на всю кабину, это же ужасно сложно. Пару лет назад посчастливилось раздобыть амт-шный круизлайнер, и я так же как и вы решил слепить "свинарника".Модель закончил этим летом,вот то что получилось http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/diamondreo/. Сейчас работаю над 352м питом из того же фильма. Очень хочется увидеть чем закончится ваша эпопея с маком!


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