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    david espenshade

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. At least it would look from the tracks that they survived the fall and scampered away.
  2. Thank you for sharing your photos. So many beautifully done models and paint work.
  3. Like the paint treatment, especially the way the roof pattern was done. The interior looks great and wonder what you did for the shag carpeting on the floor.
  4. Great looking paint color and finish. Like how you tied the interior color to the exterior.
  5. Great looking paint finish and signage. The white walls are a nice touch and also like the way you did the wood bed floor.
  6. Always interesting to see what others are doing in different parts of the world. Like the police car lineup.
  7. Great looking shade of blue and a beautiful finish. Almost a shame to hide the interior work inside the body. I like how you did the engine swap.
  8. The color shows the body lines, and the finish looks nice and smooth. Nicely detailed engine. I thought the dust was from driving onto the gravel parking lot in the pictures.
  9. Great paint color combinations and finishes. Like how the chassis are detailed and the engine as well.
  10. Beautiful looking paint finish and color. The interior color complements the body color and is cleanly done.
  11. Beautiful looking paint finish and of course I like the black color. Great engine detailing. I do remember the "Stink Bug" look you refer to. We used to have extra wide rear tires on wheels with way too much off set and the inner edge of the fender opening would often tear at the raised white letter tires until they started to look like white walls. But it was cool right?
  12. These always looked great in orange just like you have done here. I like the backdrop for your photos. Great looking paint and striping.
  13. Beautiful paint finish and fender flares. Cleanly detailed carbon fiber trim.
  14. Beautiful paint finish and trim. The interior is very clean looking as well.
  15. Look forward to your Plowboy tribute build. He had a unique style that was appreciated by many.
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