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Posts posted by mp_101airborne

  1. well i'm managing to overcome the learning curve with the help from some interesting how to articles and forums... so with that said heres my first attempt at scratch building disk brakes... rotors are a kit from model master and the calipers are inner wheel hubs that i quartered and used a dremel tool to shape... i need to either find or make some decals for them... maybe baer or brembo



    also managed to finish the dash and wired the tach up... ive flocked the floor pans and need to clean up a bit but you get the picture... gonna scratch some armrest up and i have some headrest to add to the front buckets so the next pic of the interior will be a finished shot before final assembly begins



    last but not least is something ive learned that makes older cars look much more realistic and thats blacking out the recessed grill areas...


    gonna finish this interior tonight and the front disc... about a week till i have a finished product... and then its on to the next

  2. ok im drawing to a a close on my fairlane project (follow along on the workbench) and need to start shopping for my next build... i joined these forums to gather valuable knowledge and input... keeping with the spirit i want you over the next week to pick my next project... choose your favorite and in a week im gonna get the kit from model roundup.com... heres your choices

    69' grabber green cougar eliminator


    70' yellow buick GSX


    78' bandit edition trans-am


    68' el camino ss396


    69' sublime green GTX


  3. well its been a long weekend and havent built much but decided to finish the engine while im waiting on daytona to clean the exploded track truck off... lol... so heres some pics of the engine plumbed and wired... gonna get the headers on tonight and also the suspension... finish the interior and its gonna be the home stretch



  4. well didnt have much time today to build but did manage to get the engine bay painted... i know there are some mixed feelings about this but i think i helps add some contrast to the strut tower brace and radiator shroud... plus its gives that look of the fenders being bolted on to something... also managed to snap a mock up... oh and one of the model murderer all wrapped up in her snuggie





  5. haha... yeah decals in kits lately are a joke at best... its a shame really... only other thing i see in the parts is the rear end and exhaust attached... part of the fun of these kits is painting and assembly and they keep taking the assembly part away

  6. could not agree more about the eyes Ragnar... nothing like the feeling of hot plastic flying off the Dremmel tool... lol

    tell you some of the things i havent seen mentioned and i know i couldnt live without:

    1) Q-Tips... great for everything from laying down decals to buffing and waxing paint jobs (sold at walgreens as a makeup applier... with a tipped end and flat end)

    2) Soft tip cuticle tool... the soft tip is great for pressing BMF into the nooks and crannies (again at walgreens)

    3) Toothpicks... you could start an intire post for the use of toothpicks

    4) Tape... more sizes the better and great for holding things in place or masking off paint jobs... also saw a girl on tv who was addicted to eating it... haha

    5) Right cement for the job... Clear is great for windows and a tiny tip makes getting the right amount easy

    Last but not least a little bit of $$$ doesnt hurt either... this hobby isnt a cheap one and can get expensive if you want to sink a ton of money into it... i was joking with a friend who collects guns as a hobby... he said "i paid $200 for a mossberg shot gun"... i laughed and said "i have over $200 wrapped up in 5 tiny cars i can never drive"... haha

  7. got the idea for this one awhile back watching barry white build one on discovery channel... this is actually my 3rd attempt at building one... first ended when my weener dog caught the body on the table and used it as a chew toy... second ended when i let a half finished version at my now ex-girlfriends house... so heres hoping 3rd times a charm... got the body primered and painted with modelmasters go mango orange laquer (yes i know its a mopar color but its the brightest orange laquer i could find)... haha... in the process of BMFing all the chrome now and feels like i might use the whole sheet... hope everyone enjoys


  8. no thanks required... just a job and one that someone has to do... i loved every second of all three tours of duty... yeah i built some snap kits back when i was 8... nothing since then... just did a lot of homework and read a lot of tutorials... looking forward to improving and becoming good enough to contribute my own 2 cents one day

  9. haha... im bastogne all the way... 6 years in 1st brigade... well i appreciate the tips and ive addressed them with a touch of paint... didnt even see that... lol... as for the red on the seats i used a small sponge to replicate the houndstooth pattern available in 71

  10. my newest build and i wanted to do this one since the begining... read a lot of mopar lit and found out panther pink was only available in 70 as an option... so it was going on either this or a cuda AAR... couldnt get the cuda so it turned out to be a pink challenger and by far my nieces favorite (only cause its pink im assuming)... haha







  11. 87 grand national and i hav to say once of my favorit kits ive built... minus squeezing that engine, turbo, intercooler into that tight bay.. im big into building muscle and it might be from the 80's but its got some beef







  12. title says it all... got this as a xmas present from my sister and started reading reviews about the kit... it really is as bad as everyone says... minimal decals, terrible fit (bumpers), wrong proportions... i gave it the old best try though and this is what i got from it... looks good on the shelf... one good thing i learded with this kit is to BMF the side reflectors and paint them with clear amber and red.. once you clear it they look like they are reflecting... ill do it on all my kits from here on




  13. heres a 67' chevell i did... always wanted one silver with black stripes but thought id try my hand at ghosting some stripes instead... happy with my first attempt and not too bad done from a spray can... stripes show up really bold under the flash but are much more subtle






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