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Posts posted by Miatatom

  1. I'm beginning to believe that unless you have some sort of hermetically sealed down draft spray booth, there is no way to eliminate ALL dust from a paint job. I've used a full sized spray gun and sprayed the entire spray area with water to try to trap dust. Doesn't seem to be 100% fool proof. Am I being unrealistic about the paint jobs?

    When I was painting full size race cars, I always had a few blemishes but I got rid of them by color sanding and buffing them out. Is that everyone's method? Just deal with the small specks by sanding and buffing them out? I can't imagine some of the paint jobs I see on this forum are the result of just shooting the paint and polishing it. If they are, I've got a ton to learn and spend. 8^)

  2. I finished my drying box and got it calibrated today. I used 1/2" plywood. It's about 14" wide x 12" deep and 20" tall. I bought 2 receptacles and wired them in with the dimmer switch to be able to vary the amount of heat I'm putting into the box. I lined the box with some quilted material that is aluminized on one side. Had it left over from the Cobra I built a few years back. With the lining, I found I really only needed a single 60W incandescent bulb to generate enough heat to maintain 105 degrees. Here's a few pics.




  3. I'm new here and was wondering if there's a subject that discusses kits in general. Kit makers, their pluses and minuses, old kits, newer or re-released kits versus the original ones, quality of kits, details like ease of build, good or bad instructions, etc.

    I've got about 12 kits so far and am building 2 at the moment. One is a Revell Peter Brock's Datsun 510. It's a decent kit with fairly good detail, good instructions and parts. The other is a SMER Alfa Romeo 158 Formula ! racer which isn't near the quality of the 510.

  4. I use 1:1 Enamel reducer instead of lacquer thinner. The paint dries very quickly using the reducer, about 10 minutes. Fast enough for me to handle the parts. I also reduce the mixture by one third paint and two thirds reducer. This way I can lower the air pressure to 15-18 psi.



    Dan, what kind of enamel reducer do you use? I've heard that using real automotive chemicals isn't good because they are too "Hot" for the plastic.

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