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Found 16 results

  1. Hi Guys just finished assembling my Tamiya Yamaha TMax Hope you guys like it.
  2. I started this kit about 30 years ago. Sat in the box painted metallic black or gray. Finished it finally. Not a motorcycle guy, but I think it looks kind a cool. Tamiya FZR750R OW01. Straight outta the box.
  3. Hope this link works..... https://www.facebook.com/amauryguichon.chef/videos/513198576314658/
  4. I'd like to introduce the project i'm currently working on: I'm using the body parts from a Tamiya RG250 Walter Wolf and the frame from a Tamiya RG250, all off ebay. I thought they would match without issues, but i had to make them fit. Also the frame needed some extra support to compensate the lack of stability due to missing engine and swingarm. And some facing made from sheet styrene to prevent see through. The jet engine is made from 1/24 car rims and 1/8 motorcycle headlights and some styrene. I won't build the full engine, just the visible parts. So it will be sort of a curbside, or a fake if you prefer. This is how far i am at the moment:
  5. Treated myself to a new kit yesterday as a re-entry into modeling. I was very active for many years, but my eyesight was deteriorating and it made modeling difficult. This summer I had surgery to correct my "young-person's cataracts" and viola! I can see again. Dick Mann was quite a character and I got to meet him a few times as he was friends with my parents. He ran this bike as a privateer without much factory support. This kit is a bit odd as it is in 1:8 scale which I never worked with before. I am building it box stock, although I will be painting parts different colors than directed because they were not correct. Here is the kit, it is a reissue of a classic MPC kit. The color as shown is wrong, the bike was a sort of orange/brown color, not red. I might have a difficult time getting a color I am happy with. Wheels and tires done. I was thinking of adding valve stems, but nope, this is a box stock build! This bugs me a lot. Race engines are not chromed, and I know for a fact it wasn't on this bike. What to do? I think I will build it, try to make it better with some washes. If I am still not happy I will strip the chrome off and paint it the proper aluminum color. Let me know what you think.
  6. Rerelease that hasn't been around in 40 years. Nice chrome plating, 6 sprues of chrome. Huge 1/8th scale, 3+ inch branded tires. New decals. https://youtu.be/0FSsCQjQf7Q
  7. Not sure of manufacturer. 1/12 HD police motorcycle. Detroit Arsenal PD.
  8. This is a Gunze Sangyo HiTec kit I got a few years back. It's a collectible but I got it for a bargain price when I came across it at a model contest. So I figured I might as well build it. Thee frame is a soft metal and it has real spoke wheels. Those were fun wiring up. I do want to get the new Tamiya 1/12 Honda RC166 with all the added extras to build. That's in my Amazon wish list right now. Anyway, here's the bike:But first here's some of the WIP shots of the wheel: Here's the fork:I painted AlClad on the shiny metal parts because polishing them up really didn't make them shiny, they looked more gray, same on the engine too: Here's some engine shots:I put some Yellow on the gas line to make it look like there was gas in the line. Here's the bike without the fairing:I made the stand. It didn't come with one, but they gave directions on how to make it.
  9. Hi this is a my build thread of my WIP 1:24 scale bobber. I started with a 2002 Harley sportster replica, pulled it apart and stared building a custom frame, Im using the same technique I've used in customizing 1:1 scale bobbers just this is trickier because i have to plasti-weld this frame not Tig it LOL, so far i feel like im off to a good start im looking forward to posting more pixs soon but heres what Ive got
  10. What's a good source for 1/25th scale motorcycles, vintage or new bikes, dirt bikes, baggers , choppers, road racers? The old Revell 1/25th motorcycles are practically unobtainium price wise there have to be some cool 1/25th scale bikes out there. Looking for something to display in the back of a pickup or something. I've seen some die cast bikes on eBay but without seeing them in person it's a little hard to know if they are worth the bother or not. There has to be something out there, I'm probably not the only one with this question. If you've got'em lets see'em!
  11. I got it for a good deal at a show and started working on it. I was surprised at how much I liked doing it vs 1/24 and 1/25 cars, I think the larger pieces had something to do with it, or it was just a change of pace for me Didn't really know how to 'mod' too much on a bike as Im not all to familiar with them. I see soooooo much room for improvement, but I guess compared to the amount of completed cars vs ones started over my 'career' in models, starting a bike and getting it finished was kind of big for me
  12. Here are some photos of my Custom Bobber. The organ donor bike was a Tamiya 1/6 scale FLH. Scratch built items include the rear frame from the gas tank all the way back to the axle plates; the seat, the air cleaner, license plate and tail light bracket, fender braces, and the oil tank. Many parts were altered or repurposed from a second kit. These include the gas tank, turn signals, tail light, head light, kick starter,and exhaust pipes. Thanks for checking it out, Dog
  13. Welcome to Flannery's, we may not fix your problem, but sure can make sure no one else can. This is a Tamiya CB750F in 1/12 scale, very fun build, some race parts were included, not quite up to the factory race bike Wayne Gardner standard. Enjoy
  14. Hi guys, I made this Corvette Stingray Sidecar concept out of two AMT kits, cutting apart the fender corners and bringing them back together. The tank, basic engine block and front tire are from an old (Entex?) Kawasaki street bike that I found in the parts box. The PE front disk and two other tires are orphan parts. The rest is scratch built. I turned aluminum wheels, gas cap, instrument pods and trim rings out of aluminum and turned some red toothbrush handle for the tail lights. The instrument faces are just reduced laser prints that were gotten from the VDO website. The front forks are telescoped brass tubing, while the exhausts were bent from solder. My fake display base is balsa wood painted with hardware store speckle paint with a styrene + laser print display panel. Paint is airbrushed Testors Yellow #1114 from the 1/4 oz. glass bottles. Thanks!
  15. Here is the fantasy chopper that came with a Monte Carlo kit. I didn't build the car, all I wanted was the bike, LOL. So here it is, my first bike build and it is 1/25 scale.
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