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Found 22 results

  1. "There's no wrong way to build one," is the term most often associated with these because they were individually built by resourceful people according to need and parts availability. But before starting you have to pre-imagine the need and era; barnyard helper or field plow, 20's or 50's, cared for or trashed. Fortunately, there are several currently or recently available Model T kits, especially when they come in 2-in-1 kits. I pulled this one from my stash because it offers some extra farm based parts.
  2. Just found a great product while shopping at the second-hand shop. It's paint on rust! It's applied in two parts, first part has actual iron dust in it and part two causes it to oxidize. I tried a couple of quick samples just to see how it is going to work. When I get the hang of it with a little practice I think this is going to be a pretty cool technique. I don't know it this stuff is currently available but it might be worth checking into.
  3. I needed an antidote to all the chrome, candy and flake I've been using on my recent builds. weathering makes a nice change from polishing. It was fun. I shall do more. I wired the engine and detail painted it. I don't know why. It can't be seen, now the body is on. I just enjoy the whole process, I guess. there's a bit of junk chucked in the back and in the cab and some delinquent garçons have tagged it, while it sat in a Paris suburb. a while ago, the tail light lens was broken. The lens hasn't been replaced and a bare bulb now shows. A Gauloise was lit in its honour. The note on the windshield says they're at lunch,( which is from about 11am to 4:30 pm. Longer, if it's wet/cold/hot or a weekday.)
  4. Hi All... New member here. Old timer casually getting back to modeling. Couldn't count the kits I built as a youth (though I remember quite a few fondly and in detail). Here's only my second kit after 30-ish years and my first attempt at rusting. It's an AMT 1941 Plymouth coupe. I had some fit issues (or it could have just been my rusty skills) but it was mostly to experiment with aging & rusting techniques. Naturally, I see things that I wish I had done differently but overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
  5. It's been a few years since my last post apocalypse vehicle. I had originally built this model back in the early 90's. It was sitting in a box in my basement for the past 20 years. It's been repurposed into a post apocalypse recon buggy. The engine is from a Cadillac El Dorado kit that was in the same box in the basement. Might as well use it! The engine cover is from a Peterbilt semi. I had 5 wheels and I really wanted the spare to be mounted and visible. It sticks through the hood next to the intake that cools the 50 caliber. The gas tank is behind the passenger seat. I got the 50 caliber guns from Shapeways a few years ago. It came with 2 sets of dual machine guns. This was the 1st time trying to weather seats to look torn. Thanks for looking!
  6. Man, this one kicked my butt. I was trying to go with old stock car racer look, but the black paint (which I now know is very difficult to work with) got really dirty and of course, I frosted the glass again (I now use glass glue!). So I panted the windows red and rusted it up. The skull and numbers, lettering etc. I hand painted. I like how it looks, but it is certainly a basket case. I even lost the radiator hose... Ah, the learning process.
  7. This is my version of the ATM White Freightliner. I wanted to make a very tired and weathered truck and liked the look of the dual drive day cab. I used the salt method with a base of brown under the green and then added some more weathering with acrylics. The cab was very fiddly to put together, but other than that, I found it went together well. I shortened the stacks a bit and add some air hoses. I'm pretty happy with it and felt I didn't rush it with my second model kit since I was a teenager (I always got frustrated with models when I was young). Thanks for looking!
  8. Gonna give weathering a shot on this 53 Ford pickup. It's going to be a work truck and I'll be going with the salting technique over this rust colored primer.
  9. well, it's been over a year, since I last built a kit. I had to move home and then get one of the rooms fixed up as a hobby room, so it's been a while. anyway, here's the Tamiya Citroën 2CV. Weathering was done using the salt technique and some pastels. suspension was lowered very easily, thanks to the way the kit is engineered. I added wires and gubbins under the hood, a battery clamp and a relay box. I also added valve stems to the wheels, but you can hardly see them! Interior junk was also added, along with some tape repairs to the roof and drivers seat. here are the pics. I hope you like it All comments welcome, thanks for looking
  10. Hi there Im Danny and i just got started in make model cars. I have make 2 cars but i did them just like how they looked in the box . I want to do something different. Me and my Dad have a 1961 Chevy truck we have been working on and i want to make model that look like the truck in real life. And the truck has some rust around the doors and hood. its also has some bullet holes in the door and a lot of dents. And i want to know what are some of the ways to add rust and dents to model truck. heres some pics of truck if it helps
  11. I was just wondering. I'm still practicing with an airbrush but I want to weather sometime soon so can you use the hair spray and salt technique with cans and get a good finish? I was thinking to get a realistic look of several tones of rust, use a thin sponge to filter the thin paint coats and give it a spotty affect. i was thinking I could use colors like Tamiya ts flat brown, ts red brown, and a little of ts yellow something. i need feedback.
  12. Here is my current build, a 41 Chevy wrecker with a 5.9 cummins. So far all the weathering has been done by air brush. This is my first attempt at a ratrod and anything rusty. Feel free to offer some suggestion of where I could improve. I'm happy to learn.
  13. I finished this Galaxie about two and a half years ago. This was my first attempt at post apocalypse vehicle. My first attempt at weathering too. I watched all the videos and all the techniques I could find on Youtube. What would we do without internet??? I think that I repainted the car body four times. Never happy with the weathering job. In the end I was very happy with it. http:// http:// trunk cover closed: http:// trunk cover open: http:// The fuel storage. I made the 55 gallon drum out of a container that held diabetic blood strips. http:// http:// http://
  14. Hello. I'm new to these forums. I've got a few post-apocalypse cars in my collection that I'd love to share. Here's my favorite and the last model that I have completed. It's a AMT1970 Baldwin Camaro. Had a blast making it. Hope you enjoy. http:// http:// http:// http:// http://
  15. Hello, I'm new to the forums. This is my first post. I'm really into the post apocalypse builds and rat rods. Here is what I'm currently working on. It's a Datsun 510 converted into a truck. I have a lot left to do, but I really wanted to show it off. Thanks for checking it out. http:// http:// http://
  16. MPC cab, engine and chassis I repurposed from a step side kit I built in 1974. I started making it into a copy of my truck over 30 years ago and the project stalled at least 26 years ago. I picked it up a couple months ago. The camper is scratch-built along with lots of other goodies, a lot of kit-bashing as well. WIP Thread: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/103514-’72-chevy-c10-pick-up/
  17. hi folks this is my 72 chevy truck i call him the "scrap hunter" i use the amt 72 fleetside as base the bed is complete scratch made. have fun greetings maik
  18. hello folks... here is my ´67 Camaro i build as a daily driver. the kit is from revell and i add some modifications i made a vinyl roof, side windows a custom grille with hidden turn signals. i wheels i used are a little to big but i had no other this time. have fun greetings maik
  19. hi at all... this is what i have build out of the ´70 Challenger 2´n1 kit from Revell. have fun... greetings maik
  20. hi folks... this is my interpretation of Revell´s `70 Chevelle SS. have fun with the pics: greetings maik
  21. Hey there! This is my first ever post! I don't like the normal everyday model car, usually (except for my Datsun 240 kit ). Thusly, I make rusty cars, as opposed to shiny ones. And here's one, a 1970s K4 Blazer. I made the Bondo out of patching plaster with red paint added until it looked almost right (I know it is not perfect :/) and I painted it with model railroad paints. The junk is quite assorted, from a TV, to paint cans, eight batteries, and some other stuff I forgot about? Opinions? Suggestions? Your rusty builds?
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