hey guys i went to ( if not the biggest then close to ) Oldtimer meets here in Denmark Yesterday . and took alot of pictures . the meet is called Gråsten Oldtimerløb and after a few hours of show all the vehicles go on a run down across the border to germany . its pretty cool to see them all go and its everything old Trucks ,cars ,tractors ,mopeds ,motorcycles. this was the 27,th time and it happens every year . thought people might want to see how the scene looks here . i think there is some very interesting subjects. maybe some you dont see much in the states . so enjoy . and feel free to ask or comment and ill try to answer to my best ability ... the album is hosted on facebook now (you dont need an account to view pics ) it took me 11 hours to upload . so please Enjoy https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.804790912988396.1073741848.100003724834896&type=1&l=08ad3460b5