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  1. I've seen several excellent builds of the Black Beauty, so I thought I would try something a bit different. I love the look of mid-60's customs, so I thought I would get rid of the Green Hornet gadgets, and go for a straight forward custom Imperial. Rght out of the box, the kit has many of the bells & whistles of a 60's custom (roll pans, custom grill, fender skirts), so it shouldn't require too much effort to go this route. I molded in the bumper and trunk rocket launchers, and inspired by the '64 Imperial box art (courtesy of Model Roundup), I went with a black roof/light blue body: The blue is some ancient Testor's "Colors by Boyd" Ice Blue, thinned with lacquer thinner and airbrushed. I think the kit mag wheels are kind of meh, so I'm going with AMT '63 'Vette wheels mounted on vintage AMT Firestone Supreme whitewalls - That's it for now!
  2. Here I will be posting my build of a custom Peterbilt 359 based off of the Revell of Germany kit. I plan on fabricating an air ride front axle, adding custom fenders, and detailing the engine along with a lot of other custom touches. I hope to start on this model towards the middle/end of this week so stay tuned for this build as I will try to provide frequent updates. Questions, comments, and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated! Attached photos below are my inspiration for the build.
  3. Here is a full write-up on my most recent build. https://notboxstock.info/kustom-creeper/
  4. Topic for inspiration, on how far can one go with sacrilegious blasphemy in ruining a perfectly good Mercedes Benz. AMG started the idea of hot rodding them, and now they are a factory subsidiary, so they shouldn't count. Maybach could be included, the Excelero was a one off hot rod. B+B was a customizer. I don't think gold wrapped Benzes should count, they are a dime a dozen. ? If there is a cult name for these cars, let me know. Starting off with a rendering of a 300 SL:
  5. This project was started years ago, pulled out occasionally and tinkered with, then back on the shelf. Finally decided it was time to git-r-done! Started with a 1961 T-bird junker, decided to add a 427 Cobra chassis and suspension, a DOHC engine from the parts stash, and bits and pieces from here and there. Got to the point where a mock up was in order. Still some adjustments such as removing more material from the rear wheel arches, more clearance for the front suspension, and some putty on the body. The Cobra chassis rails will be lengthened with sprue. More pix when I get more done.
  6. An experiment with tape and nail polish. I plan to do more. It was great fun to play with colour and patterns. Parts box wheels, shod with Modelhaus tyres. I hope you like it
  7. 1/25 scale custom 1967 Chevy impala all the pieces that make up this custom are from my parts boxes
  8. Hello, First of all: This is all #Plowboy's (Roger Hayes) fault! His drop dead gorgeous California Street 'Vette hit me like a freight train! What a beauty! Check his Vette in this link: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/175154-california-street-vette/ I am mostly a factory stock (and documented replica in the case of race or historical vehicles) modeler. I've done customs, but it is not usually my main subject. Roger's California Street 'Vette inspired me to dig out mine. The back story is that I got this model (and a few others) already built from my High School Art teacher, well over 30 years ago. I graduated HS in '86 and it was shortly after that. To this day, he is a very good friend and one of the main responsibles of me been a Corvette guy. I learned more about Corvettes from him than drawing and painting ? I remember quickly tearing this model apart and with no plan I started fooling around with it. I destroyed the roof louvers by filling them with putty. No idea what I was thinking. Longest shot: anybody has a spare roof louver for this car? Eventually it went back into the box until this week. All major components are there. The original wheels, tires and mirrors are missing which is no big deal. The engine is pretty crude and so is the hood underside. I'll most likely keep the engine in place but glue the hood shut. I thought of adding a modern LS engine but those are 1/25 running on the smaller end and this car is 1/24 running on the larger end. The LS looks really small in there. Anyways, this car is all about the looks. It will take some fixing but the plan is to keep the original look, except for the roof of course. Door handles and key locks are lost. The body needs some massaging but this will be a slow fun project. Color? It will be blue. What shade of blue? I'll get back to you... Thanks, Ismael
  9. Hello, I have a 1968 Camaro modified with all the technology of the 2010 Camaro. The front & rear axle with all the suspensions were installed. Also the exhaust system is from the 2010 Camaro. The center section of the new model was integrated into the hood. The taillights I have made with 3D printing. The decals are self made.
  10. Recently finished: My 1/25 scale version of John D'Agostino's '68 Buick Riviera custom called Pantheon: The original car looks like this: I used amt's '69 Riviera kit to rebuild it in scale. I shaved the body, chopped the top, lowered the suspension, scratch built the wheels and a custom tube grille and wired the engine . Further i tried to replicate some interior details like the tuck'n'roll on the dash, package shelf and door panels, built a center console with cup holders and a TV. Used a parts box steering wheel and amt Parts Pack tires. All what was done to hold kit can be viewed here: Not my best build I must confess. Had a lot of problems with shrinking putty and leaking glue, stance seems not to be low enough and the BMF work could be cleaner... But well, it's done now and I'm happy with my scratch built wheels and glad that I managed the tricky chop. Now, the Pantheon sits in my show case next to John's '61 Oldsmobile The Golden Starfire: Thanks for watching, comments are always welcome! Greetings from Cologne, Germany
  11. I'm going to be doing this little build as I’m getting back into this. The paint choice will either be a Metallic Black or Gloss Red. I will be using wheels from a 1:32 Jada Bigtime Muscle Wide Body Camaro (Shown in second pic and mock up shown in third). Planning on getting a coat of primer on the body soon. I will Update everyone as I go. Hope everyone enjoys!
  12. For this build, I decided to combine the Ford surfer van (graphics) with the Chevy custom van. First off, I like any porthole window in custom vans, but the graphics are so cool that I didn't want to take away from that, so I filled the windows in with some styrene strips and glued them into place. Next, they'll get some putty to smooth them out. Next if you haven't already gone to the dollar store and pick up some of these plastic clothes pins you should. They're great for everything. Strangely, the instruction sheet has a picture of an intake manifold but there is none in the kit. Or valve covers but a shiny chrome air cleaner. No biggie, this is pretty much a curbside kit anyway. Secondly, those 2-piece tires totally suck. I even used some 3M black weather-stripping adhesive and first there is no way to line the 2 halves' up. You just have to wing it. Not cool Revell. Stick with 1-piece tires from now on. This is the 2nd time I glued them together. They fall apart the moment I try to put them onto the socket to spin them to even out the tread. I'll let them set up overnight.
  13. Its gonna be almost a full kit Interior,glass,lenses,modernized late model 900 wheels and a simple pan chassis for cost reasons, being its my first im going to keep them curbside after that possibly do roller style casts. The cars will be aesthetically updated since factory isnt something i care much for. If this sells well the next build will be a 87/88 B2200 Mazda Truck and following that a Volkswagon SP2 thats more or less going to be designed to fit the Tamiya VW bug and the third release if all goes well a 80s Eldorado convertible/Riviera convertible(maybe).
  14. This started out to be a simple 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 door sedan, but somehow things got completely out of control, and this happened.
  15. On the bench, 40 Ford Sedan glue bomb special, donated by Al's Junk Yard. About a 3 1/2" scale chop, flush fender skirts and a lot of body repair. Let's see where this leads...
  16. Been seeing more Ferraris that are not original, but recreations based on modern Ferrari drivetrains. It's a theme that I have already built one model as, an outlaw or resto-rod. Found out about this car, built by a shop in New Zealand, a 1959 TR 250 Representation. Seem like a good point to launch this topic.
  17. It's been years since I've attempted a lowrider or any type of custom. This one didn't start out that way, but took on a life of its own.
  18. I need some decals done with metallic silver finish, they have to be opaque as they cross a red and white background. I have camera ready art work but it was done in GIMP and I'm not sure anyone can use it to print directly.
  19. Saw a rendering by Ragle of a Mustang race-concept protouring and said I have to build this. Starting with the AMT Shelby GT-350 Looked at variations for stance, not doing this, just to show what the wheels and tires I will be using look like in a stock position Thought about tucked in the wheel wells... nah... everyone does this with building an Eleanor... Drew out a starting position for trimming... Trimmed out a lot more than I first thought... This is the stance I was looking for and the rendering by Ragle Started the flares... Added the front sail-vent behind the front wheel and modified the side window opening to give it a new lower-chopped look. Also added a deeper body line tying the front sail-vent to the rear scoop and molded it all in. Note the smaller side sail scoop, I think it looks better cut down by a third of the orginal size, this will be moilded in as well.. Created the rear sail-vent behind the rear wheel... haven't decided if I will change the shape of it yet... Feedback? Finally... in primer 3/6... Primary body mods are complete, next is custom racing chassis with ground effects package, splitters, air-dams and rear diffuser
  20. First off, check out what is behind him.
  21. This is a rebuild from a built up I got from ebay last year. First pictures of how I got it and the last is how it looks today. Here it is rebuilt - Not perfect but I feel a bit better than when I got it. Painted Testors' Revving Red with wet look clear. The bubble rear window and custom roof came from another 63 Galaxie I have. The engine block came in the model but I used new chrome from one of the many 63 Ford kits I have to freshen it up. I also used new custom parts from the various 63 Galaxie kits I have. The spotlights are from the AMT 62 Buick kit. Thanks for looking, all comments welcomed.
  22. Really old build, A lot of my friends are military modelers and their general attitude (jokingly) was if you didn't build armor you weren't really a modeler. They had a contest coming up and wanted me to enter something and said this kit would be a great staring place. They were correct modifications include, Smooth and center turret on chassis, smooth side panels that include fences for the rear carbon fiber wing, side air intakes, smoothed front panel with SSR headlamps, chrome main gun, chrome machine guns with carbon fiber ammo boxes, new mesh rear grills, Mustang ll tail lamps. Rear diffuser and wooden F1 legality plank, full set of centerline bogie wheels with red and blue side markings, lowered the ride height, tracks with slick rubber pads, and additional air scoops on the turret. Once the body was smoothed it was sprayed in three different Chrome illusion colors to create a color shifting camouflaged paint scheme. The clear for some reason has lost some of it's shine mostly from abuse an handling over the years. May try to bring it back some day. The model did create quite a few conversations and laughs but they quit asking me to model military . Let me say here that this was for fun and I have the utmost respect for military modelers and their attention to detail and accuracy, and have made use of many of the procedures and products they use I my other modeling.
  23. Here is my ‘82 custom Dodge Van! It’s the re-released “Bad Company” kit from MPC, with my own mix on the decals. The black flaming horse decals came from the MPC Pinto Pony Express re-issue, and the sunset flaming horse came from the recent release AMT ‘66 Mustang coupe kit. I thought the wizard decals in the kit looked goofy so I swapped in those horse flame decals. I think they look like they belong together! I painted the body in Tamiya X-12 Gold Leaf, and the interior in XF-7 flat red, with Future on the seats, dash and walls. This was my first time using Future floor polish and I am definitely a convert! The body paint really pops with three thin coats of future. FYI, it’s now called “Pledge Revive It Floor Gloss Original” - it took me a while to find the current name and I had to order it from Amazon. The interior is mostly box stock, but I added a simple mini fridge and 32” flat screen tv that I modeled up in CAD and had my brother 3D print for me. The TV wall mount is just a cut piece of scrap sprue. Overall this kit went together pretty well, but it took some finessing to get the interior tub and chassis to seat properly in the body. The large glass roof panel is definitely supposed to be glued in from the inside, but it then won’t fit with the cab partition panel in place. I left it removable and just set it in from the outside. I wanted to use the chrome side exit exhaust pipes, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to actually attach them to the body or frame without doing custom fab. I didn’t realize this until final assembly so I won’t bother adding an exhaust. This kit’s eye candy is up top anyway, no one is ever going to look underneath! I probably should have left the engine out too since you can’t really see it. This is definitely the wildest looking kit I’ve ever done, and I had a blast doing it. I grew up well after the custom van scene died out, but it definitely needs to make a comeback!
  24. Started working on an AMT 53 Ford Pickup about a week ago, have seen a lot of nice builds and always wanted to get one going. Doing all the basics right now, soaked the body and main parts in some dawn and water, scrubbed the stuff down, scribed out the doors, vent and windshield. Removed the door handles, locks and filling in the gas filling area. Also smoothed out the running boards, have them glazed with some Evercoat at the moment. Looking at the chassis and stance at the moment, started assembling the engine. My goal is build a nice 60's style cruiser out of this. I've also been posting a bit more on my Instagram, if anyone is there feel free to drop in at qstick99
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