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Found 15 results

  1. 1/20 scale Tamiya Ferrari F189 Great kit to build if you want to go to town the 1/20 scale F1 cars are great
  2. This is Hasegawa's 1:24 Honda RA272E Formula 1 kit. It represents the 1965 Mexico Grand Prix winner. It is painted in Tamiya's LP-39 Racing White. Nice little kit. Not a ton of detail but what is there went together very well. I photographed it on my normal black base and a gray base. Let me know what you think.
  3. Hi all, I've recently started HOBBY ROBBY, a vlog on YouTube covering F1 scale models and other racing series, and also ordinary, abandoned cars. Recently I uploaded my first vlog! I am trying to build the 27 y/o Tamiya kit of the Lotus 107 Ford in 1/20 scale. I would like to invite you to subscribe to my channel, and leave a comment and/or like. Is it any good? Let me know what you think of it! Best regards, Rob
  4. Just completed this Fujimi 1/20 Formula One car. It is the Sauber C30 from the 2011 season. Car was driven by Kamui Kobayashi (16) and Sergio Perez (17). It used a Ferrari engine and thier KERS system. Colors are Tamiya TS-26 whit e and TS14 bolack. Gunze #85 red was used for the front wing and to match the stripe. Kit is mostly stock with the exception of some seatbelt decals out of the scrapbox. See the captions for extra info and thanks for looking. Black was airbrushed and was a real challenge to get it positioned correctly and come to a sharp point. Some adjustments had to be made to accomodate the rear wing but once done it fit nice and snug. Front wing was the hardest part. It was 15 separate pieces and twice as many decals. Don't usually take a picture from this angle but I think it shows off the lines of the car quite well.
  5. I was checking out videos, am amazed at how complex these race cars are getting. Knowing how some model builders love to put on carbon-fiber decals, one of these would be a blast to make, eh? I can hear it now, #235 goes where? The mirrors have wings. Are the brakes drums now? I'm so out of touch..... ?
  6. Hey guys, hope everyone is well. After a considerable hiatus Ive got back into the hobby I love, I started this project 2 1/2 years ago and it went in out of the box for that whole time.Finally its finished and feels great after so long to be back. I hope you all enjoy the video its my first in a very long time, but not the last
  7. Joined quite a while ago but life sometimes gets in the way. I built mostly competition car models, Tamiya 1/20 Formula 1, drag race vehicles, up to now 1/25 but I have obtained a couple of 1/16 Revell kits with attending A/M bits and pieces. Current interest has been is replicating mid 70s BB/FC's that we ran with up in the Pacific Northwest. Very time consuming due to they are all custom made decal projects. Glad to be here!
  8. fizi

    Ferrari F189.

    From the album: Ferrari F189

  9. fizi

    Ferrari F189

    From the album: Ferrari F189

  10. fizi

    brake disk F189

    From the album: Ferrari F189

  11. fizi

    Rear Wing F189

    From the album: Ferrari F189

  12. fizi


    From the album: Ferrari F189

  13. Hello everyone. This is my Williams FW14B completed last year. The build was posted in the On The Workbench category but I never posted the finished model here which is where it should be. It took about 8 months to complete and it was the first large scale detailed build I did. Aftermarket parts were mostly from Thunder Valley, RB Motion, and SMS for the carbon fiber decals. I really learned a lot from this build and am currently working on the 1/12 Tamiya MP4/6.
  14. Thought I'd show you guys what I've been up to lately (other than the P40-. This won't be a full work-in-progress thread, just a few pics thrown out here & there as I get sub-assemblies completed. This was a kit I had almost completed about 25 years ago. Had everything finished and then screwed up the clear coat on the one of the side panels. So guess what. Into the box it went, and there it has sat for all those years. I found it about a month ago and decided to take as much of it apart as I could and redo what I didn't like (most of it). This looked pretty good to me so I'm leaving it. Just polished it out and called it good. I just finished the transmission/rear suspension sub-assembly this weekend. Check it out. That's it for now. More to come.
  15. Howdy, Just got back into car modeling after a break. I recently moved an now have a place to build models again. Primarily build F1 cars but I also do 1/48th scale WW2 aircraft. Just finished the Tamiya F1 2000 kit. It was about 1/2 done and sitting in a box for 9-years. I had no place to work in my old home (at least no permanent work table). Now I have a table set up and have been building again. Finished several kits in the last few months that were partially built. Studio 27 2000 Japanese GP conversion kit (front wing and decals). I had meant to put the #1 on the car since Schumi won his first title with Ferrari at that race. After the race, the team removed the #3 from the nose and put #1 on the car. I have a photo somewhere of Schumi sitting on the nose with #1. Front suspension with CF Decals Front wing. You can see the nose is not quite right. I need to remove and sand the support pieces to get it straight The kit exhaust is a two piece affair and filling seams inside the exit would be impossible. So I cut off the ends and use Al. tubing to replicate CF on the steering wheel.
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