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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, First of all: This is all #Plowboy's (Roger Hayes) fault! His drop dead gorgeous California Street 'Vette hit me like a freight train! What a beauty! Check his Vette in this link: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/175154-california-street-vette/ I am mostly a factory stock (and documented replica in the case of race or historical vehicles) modeler. I've done customs, but it is not usually my main subject. Roger's California Street 'Vette inspired me to dig out mine. The back story is that I got this model (and a few others) already built from my High School Art teacher, well over 30 years ago. I graduated HS in '86 and it was shortly after that. To this day, he is a very good friend and one of the main responsibles of me been a Corvette guy. I learned more about Corvettes from him than drawing and painting ? I remember quickly tearing this model apart and with no plan I started fooling around with it. I destroyed the roof louvers by filling them with putty. No idea what I was thinking. Longest shot: anybody has a spare roof louver for this car? Eventually it went back into the box until this week. All major components are there. The original wheels, tires and mirrors are missing which is no big deal. The engine is pretty crude and so is the hood underside. I'll most likely keep the engine in place but glue the hood shut. I thought of adding a modern LS engine but those are 1/25 running on the smaller end and this car is 1/24 running on the larger end. The LS looks really small in there. Anyways, this car is all about the looks. It will take some fixing but the plan is to keep the original look, except for the roof of course. Door handles and key locks are lost. The body needs some massaging but this will be a slow fun project. Color? It will be blue. What shade of blue? I'll get back to you... Thanks, Ismael
  2. Started in December of 2015, I finished it up today. Glad this one is done! I don't remember what color it is painted, I think it was a testors auto lacquer teal but am not sure. Box stock with modifications to the frame to get the suspension sitting a bit lower, it's now almost stock height :-) Simple all black interior, hence the lack of interior shots. Below is a group shot of the ones I've gotten done this month, all except for the 2012 silver kit, that one was done a few years ago. Thanks for looking, all comments welcomed.
  3. Waaaaaay back in 1980 I was 12 years old. My bedroom window overlooked the West Islip High School. Every graduation day, my dad and I would stand on the deck to the pool so we could look over the fence and chant, “We want smoke! We want smoke!” I remember a lot of muscle cars that were driven to School in the 70s. From Road Runners, Chevelles, Corvettes, to 442s, you name it. They never failed to fill our neighborhood with smoke and the smell of burning rubber! I did my part in 1986 with my 1970 Monte Carlo. It was a 350 2 barrel with a 2 speed powerglide. I couldn’t do a standing burnout, but donuts worked to break the tires loose! I have a short video taken by my mother! We were and still are a car family! Here is a short video of my efforts: Back to the subject of this post! One day in 1980 while looking over the cars in the parking lot, I spied a Corvette. It looked pretty cool, so I grabbed my 110 camera, hopped the 6 foot chain link fence and ran over to the car for a couple pictures. Back in those days you didn’t know what your pictures looked like until you sent the film out for developing and got them back. I guess all the running put me a little out of breath and the pictures came back with bit of camera shake. But I saved those pictures all these years. I’ve always wanted to do a model of that car, and the Revell 62 Corvette was just what I needed to finally get it done! There’s some lettering on the front fenders that is very hard to read today in these pictures. But for some reason “Dad’s Dream” sticks in my mind from all those years ago. Recently a friend of mine was able to clean the pictures up a little bit for me, and it does look like that’s what it says on the fenders. So I painted the body white and then masked off what I wanted to leave white. I painted the rest of the car black but experienced some trouble with paint flaking off while I was removing the masking tape. I set that body aside and decided to paint the spare body that I had, black and then mask off for the white. This yielded much better results. Plus as it turns out I incorrectly painted too much of the cove white the first time around. In the pictures I can see the car had a teardrop hood. I was unable to find a teardrop hood for that body style Corvette so I had to create my own. I used plastic and clay to get a rough shape and then made a mold and cast the hood in resin. The resin copy was smoothed out, primed and painted with the rest of the car. Here is where I’m at now. The interior is in place and the chassis with the wheels in place. There are some pictures below. I figure for the engine I’ll do a dressed up 350 with basic chrome goodies and headers. This is artistic license of course, as I did not get any pictures of the actual motor. I printed the Dad Dream lettering on the laser printer using white decal film with a black border. But it’s not working too well. I recently acquired my father‘s old laptop that still has windows XP on it. I have to try and find drivers for my Alps printer so I can print the lettering in white on clear film. Here are some pictures, any comments or suggestions are welcome!
  4. So, I have begun to restore a friends old Corvette model. It's an original MPC 1966. Molded in silver. While taking the suspension apart, I noted the lower A-arms might have been installed wrong to give it more of a lifted front stance. There are also spacers on the upper A-arms,so must have been nose up. Pictured are the lower A-Arms. Anyone know which position is correct? I have a later version of this kit, but the suspension is different. Thanks for any help.
  5. hello everyone, thought maybe some of you may like to see the newly released amt sock it to me vette built....and built quickly. two weeks made this a fast but fun project. any comments or questions are certainly welcome. thanks for looking. a.c. the ace.
  6. This will be my summer project. I haven't been on the forum for quite some time. I did a 55 Chevy last summer and I have yet to post pics of that in another post. This one will be a stock build as true to original as I can do with the supplies I have available. I'll update with pics as often as I can. I'm going for completion in just a couple weeks. Keep me on track!
  7. Here is the 63 gasser vette I been.working on, removed the gas tank and exhaust sys, also.cut out the front molded in A frame, and bars, going to use a Springer type, interrior is started and 427 wired and ready to drop in, will post a few more later. Thanks guys,
  8. Here is one that I have been messing with off and on. I figured I would try to throw this one together but really have not done that much with it yet. I have a hurt hand from an injury a few weeks ago so it is kinda hard to work on anything at the moment. I have had the Baldwin Motion Vette for a while but it was missing the body and the wheels and the motor. I found the rebel racer at Hobby Lobby for $7 and used it as a doner.
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