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model car workshop


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I have been offline for a while and don't really get the time to post anymore. My career keeps me from it. That has not stopped my passion for model car kits. My Petty collection is topping 200 now. Last year I posted a model car workshop event that I was putting together for small children grades k-6. It was so successful that I am doing it again. Below is a copy of the flyer for the event. One of the reasons to its success was the generous donations of unused unwanted kits members of this forum sent me. I do not have sponsors for this event. I pay for the kits and supplies on my own. That can be hard to do on a teacher's salary. All kits are supplied to the kids for free. If you would like to donate a unused Snap together kit , decals , or paints please shoot me an email; 
I will see it here first. 

link to the flyer 

The Wilson Times news paper will be doing a story on this event in April I will send a link 

Thanks so much, 

Clyde Shafer

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 Clyde, If you have an IPMS chartered club nearby they may be able to get you some kits. I know there was some turmoil in the make n take program last year with IPMS and their kit supplier but it may be back to normal now.


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in the past i thought i was doing a good thing by donating stuff. one time i spent over 50$ on postage alone sending three boxes of unused parts, kits, paints, and included newly purchased 25$ worth of superglue/ sandpaper/ disposable hobby knives just to fill up the box, to someone. never again.

i can applaud the idea, but it can also foster a bad precedent of the recipients expecting something for nothing and possibly taking advantage of the givers. like the kids who beg for money outside of the supermarket on saturday mornings. they should be out earning money for their team/ club/ whatever the cause. begging teaches nothing but expecting something for nothing. life doesn't - or at least shouldn't - work like that.

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in the past i thought i was doing a good thing by donating stuff. one time i spent over 50$ on postage alone sending three boxes of unused parts, kits, paints, and included newly purchased 25$ worth of superglue/ sandpaper/ disposable hobby knives just to fill up the box, to someone. never again.

i can applaud the idea, but it can also foster a bad precedent of the recipients expecting something for nothing and possibly taking advantage of the givers. like the kids who beg for money outside of the supermarket on saturday mornings. they should be out earning money for their team/ club/ whatever the cause. begging teaches nothing but expecting something for nothing. life doesn't - or at least shouldn't - work like that.

Don't take this wrong.I can see what you mean , however : I can assure you that I am not trying to do things for hand outs. I am a school teacher who puts some of his own money , time , and abilities into this project. I do this so children can find better choices for hobbies that will keep them safe and active. It also benefits my church in that it allows us to do more things for youth since our congregation is an older one. I am proud that over 45 models have been donated, with a big chunk coming directly from this forum. 

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