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Posted (edited)

Is it just me or have others noticed that lately some modelers are going crazy with updates on their builds that are about as boring to see or worse read than watching your grass grow ?? Seems like some feel that we must have a play by play step by step progress report, from the time they open the models box, until the model is complete. Showing a completed and painted assembly like the interior tub, or engine bay or engine itself is one thing, but it is crazy that we must see every individual part being sanded, and then another photo of it painted. Not only is it annoying I find, but it takes up so much space in these forums that when you are scrolling through to actually look for something for either a tip or idea, here we go again, another post dragging it to the top of the list with a picture of a freshly painted or sanded wheel hub !!! And I can't wait to see it again tomorrow with an attached hub cap or wheel cover, I sit waiting for that event while holding my breath !!! BORING !!!! It might be interesting to some, but to others like myself just takes up valuable space. It is one thing with a conversion like from a Gran Torino to a Gran Torino Elite, that is interesting to see how it was done, but just building a boxed kit model ?? Most of us probably have the kit or have built it, know what came with it and don't need to see every piece yet again until the entire assembly is complete or the model itself is done. Like I said at the start no insult intended to anyone, it is what it is, but is it just me ???

Edited by American 185 Heavy

I don't have a problem with lots of pics.  Maybe a couple of guys could benefit from one or two pics from what others may seemingly see as redundancy or even "boredom".  Guys like to see pics, so lets have a look at what's on the bench.  This is a modeling forum, so lets see those models guys.


I like lot`s of pictures. I find it more annoying when people spree post pictures in various threads for the

pictures then to disappear because they are to cheap to pay for the host. So when i then search on here

wich can be very time consuming,and i finally find threads on the subject,i have to look at cats.



Thanks Bill !!! I REALLY needed that laugh this morning!!!:lol::lol::lol: I need to make this pic my screensaver. Its a complete scream. LOL!!

Glad I could help! :lol:  :lol: 



Pictures are good and I really appreciate them.  That being said, I must say forty-eleven different views of the same object is quite boring.  I mean taking a shot, moving the camera 2 mm to the left or right taking another shot, moving 2mm taking...you get the idea.  Three or four shots of an engine bay should be sufficient, if someone wants more pictures they can pm the builder and ask for more.  Now, let's get back to the bench and build something (to myself)!

Posted (edited)

I like build progress threads.  I like to see what people are doing and cheer them on.  It's good when someone points out something that needs correcting or refining before it's too late. And a lot of these threads become "how to"s and guys learn things.  There are models that it's a shame to put paint over since it will hide all the intricate work.  Even a box stock build will help people see how it goes together and where the snags are.

That said, there are progress threads I can't wait for the next installment, but there are others I don't go back to. Depends on the value to me.  And the threads I don't like are someone else's favorite.   So let it be.


Edited by Tom Geiger

Cripes a Mighty! First we complain about not enough pictures, bad pictures and very little info, now it is too many pictures? Come on! 

Like Dann said, move on if it bothers you or you don't care. Simple

And to everyone, just keep doing what you are doing, its ok! 


I like some superdetailed WIP shots/threads, depending on the subject matter and what's being done to it. Some of these are VERY helpful.

Others--probably most--not so much. But I only have to click on a thread once to see if there's going to be anything there for me or not, so no big deal.

BTW, I think my own WIP threads are a Kiss of Death. I'll get something cool going and posted up and then I either screw it up or lose interest and move on. Personally, I find I'm better off waiting until a project is DONE and THEN start showing it off, with maybe a couple WIPs thrown in for those interested.


Maybe its got something to do with taking oneself too seriously. If I cant say it in a couple paragraphs, or in a few pics, it's just not that important. I don't feel the need to share drain plug relocation in three views with text. 


Eh, some ppl are lonely and they are reaching out.  After all, this is a community of ppl.  If it were a community of robots, you'd have one word posts.

All good.



I think once you have spent a bit more time on the forum Bruce you'll figure out which builds and/or builders will interest you and which ones to maybe skip over. There are WIP thread on here that have stretched over several years and have tens of thousands of views and hundreds of replies.  The reason these threads are so popular is because they are well documented projects by some highly skilled builders.  Go to the "On The Workbench" forum and in the upper right corner click on "Sort By", then select either "Most Viewed" or Most Replies".  If you take the time to read through some threads that interest you I think you will find them enlighting.


Too add to this, I find the detailed in progress useful for my building endeavors.  It's a tremendous asset, even drain plug relo :)


I agree a WIP is very good for ideas and the pictures are what this Model Play Ground is all about 

I say keep em coming ?


To me, the whole point of a progress thread is to show how it's done,  so a little detail is greatly appreciated.  I don't pretend to like every single thing that's posted,  but I'm sure there's stuff that I like that other people could do without.  It all works out in the end.


I'm probably as guilty as anyone, and I am aware of that. I post updates to show progress, any progress, as well as problems I encounter, possible solutions, and for more than any other reason, participation.

I asked a similar question on a forum many years ago, and the answers then, were similar (very similar) to the answers now; yes, some folks go overboard big time, some show too little, and I'm free to ignore whatever I don't like or find interesting, which I do all the time.


I think too much is better than too little.

Too much: pick and choose what you want to look at or comment on.

Too little: people stifle their urge to share their work, and the community dies.

I often have very little to share in updates, because I build so slowly...when I get a part modified or scratchbuilt, it's usually a Big Deal to me, and I may or may not share it online.

I have learned SO much from photos and descriptions of others' work. I would hate for modelers of any level to feel discouraged and stop sharing.

And can we stop bashing young people as being a "look at me" generation?  If the young people of 1969 had smartphones, they would have friggin' drowned the planet in selfies.

Thanks very much in advance for sharing, fellow builders.



Eh, some ppl are lonely and they are reaching out.  After all, this is a community of ppl.  If it were a community of robots, you'd have one word posts.

All good.


What does "ppl" mean? And also "WIP"? I'm sorry, but I'm a little slow when it come to some of these abbreviations. About the only one I understand and use is "IMO". (Even then I had to think about it just now.) I also have problem with a lot of personal license plates on cars. A lot of times I just don't get them until they are explained to me. My last IQ test had me at 115. So we know I'm not stupid. I just can't figure these things out sometimes.


complaining about too much in the post? This is a new one for me. Not too long ago, people were griping about posts not being updated enough. 

You know what's more annoying than too many pictures? Someone starting a thread to complain about too many pictures in someone's work of progress thread. Get a freakin' grip

Posted (edited)

Its sad just how much complaining goes on in the hobby here,  all the time wasted on complaining that could be used to build models.

Edited by martinfan5
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