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I'm one that doesn't have a problem with eBay as I've been a member there since 2002. However it's auctions like this that REALLY kill me, and it's no wonder that eBay sometimes gets the bad rap it does. Now granted, no one forces anyone to buy a thing off the 'Bay especially at whatever price that's being offered. 

This auction here however is just annoying seeing the shape this kit is in and some poor soul with more money than brains, might pay waaaaay too much for what I consider a substandard build and all things considered, not all that rare. Looking at this guy's feedback rating makes me wonder how low does your score have to go before eBay boots ya! I'd never buy a thing from this character with a score that low! :blink: Maybe, just maybe this is a typo on their part............I'm watching it just the same so we'll see.

Check it out...............

Posted (edited)

Agreed, stupid money asking price. The seller doesn't appear to specialize in anything in particular, doesn't know models...just resells everything in an online junk-shop. Lotsa this mentality around, probably saw that a similar kit in virgin condition sold for a similar price so just figgered he'd start high and let the buyers (?) sort it out.

I have to wonder where these guys come up with the ridiculous figures they put on some of this stuff, and it's across the board too...not just model stuff...naturally.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy

Agreed, stupid money asking price. The seller doesn't appear to specialize in anything in particular, doesn't know models...just resells everything in an online junk-shop. Lotsa of this mentality around, probably saw that a similar kit in virgin condition sold for a similar price so just figgered he'd start high and let the buyers (?) sort it out.

I have to wonder where these guys come up with the ridiculous figures they put on some of this stuff, and it's across the board too...not just model stuff...naturally.

I fully agree with you, Bill. I have been involved in many other hobbies where condition is absolutely critical in determining market value. But as soon as someone finds an item in an old attic they run off to the nearest magazine stand for a monthly "price guide", they are absolutely convinced that their piece that looks like it just came out of a sewer is "worth" the same amount as the one in the guide that is basically perfect! To make matters worse, they always assume that the owner of any shop will automatically pay them what the book says for it. Just be glad that we don't have to contend with monthly "price guides" in this hobby, we generally pay what our comfort level allows for models! BTW, Bill, welcome back! Some folks here were worried about ya!;)


Looking at this guy's feedback rating makes me wonder how low does your score have to go before eBay boots ya! I'd never buy a thing from this character with a score that low! :blink: Maybe, just maybe this is a typo on their part............I'm watching it just the same so we'll see.

Check it out...............

I'm not sure what you are seeing but his feedback rating is 93.8%. Which per their math is 1 bad deal out of 15. I looked through the guys entire feedback history, and the 1 negative feedback is the only one. I'd buy from him. Just not this particular kit.

Positives + negatives
This member's 12 month Feedback ratings
Positives: 15s.gifNegatives: 1
This member's positive Feedback percentage
15 + 1
s.gif = s.gif93.8%

Asking and selling price..usually 2 very different numbers

True. He's only going to get what someone else is willing to pay for it. Regardless of collector value...

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure what you are seeing but his feedback rating is 93.8%. Which per their math is 1 bad deal out of 15. I looked through the guys entire feedback history, and the 1 negative feedback is the only one. I'd buy from him. Just not this particular kit.

Your math is correct Rob, but if he switched user I.D.'s for whatever reason, I believe his feedback may still follow him. That begs the question of why the switch in I.D.'s?

Sorry, but as they say "Caveat Emptor". I'd not trust anything this person is selling. :huh:  

EDIT: I should say that eBay's math is correct in how they figure a negative rating vs. a seller's total transactions. I stand by what I said that there may have been a user I.D switch for whatever reason. I could be wrong, but eBay sellers have been known to do that. 

Edited by MrObsessive

Asking and selling price..usually 2 very different numbers

If anyone is interested in the thing (and it looks savable), just keep your eyes open. I have a feeling it will be listed--eventually--at a more realistic price.


There's a decent looking stock built-up listed at $10.99. Several unbuilt in-box reissues for $45 to $77. 

The only things that make the $300 job special are the original-issue box and the custom rear fascia / taillights / continental kit.


I really have a difficult time understanding the angst with this auction.  All of us buy things most every day.  If the seller prices the item in line with what we are willing to pay, we will buy it.  We will look for a substitute item or forego the purchase altogether if the price is too high.


This seller has a fifty year old item and thinks it’s worth $300.00.  If he gets that price, then bully for him.  If he does not get that price, then it should be an indication he has it priced too high and should lower the price.  Time will tell.




I really have a difficult time understanding the angst with this auction....

For me, it's just another of the constant reminders that the world is full of clueless fools that think their carp is worth big money....and fools who pay it.

Actually, it's just a reminder that the world is full of fools.

More every day. And they all seem to be proud of it. :D

Posted (edited)

I really have a difficult time understanding the angst with this auction.  All of us buy things most every day.  If the seller prices the item in line with what we are willing to pay, we will buy it.  We will look for a substitute item or forego the purchase altogether if the price is too high.


This seller has a fifty year old item and thinks it’s worth $300.00.  If he gets that price, then bully for him.  If he does not get that price, then it should be an indication he has it priced too high and should lower the price.  Time will tell.


Agreed,,,,,,I dont get these kind of threads . Who cares what someone else is asking for his/her item.  With any listing if you don't  like the price,,,, move on . No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it. If he sells it, great for him. And  I wish I was the one that sold it . If it doesn't sell ( not likely it will . ) chances are are some point the price will be lowered to a more realistic value .

Edited by gtx6970

I dont get these kind of threads . Who cares what someone else is asking for his item.  With any listing if you don't  like the price,,,, move on . No one is holding a gun to your head to buy it.

So why did you comment?

Don't like the thread, move on.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head here either (as far as I can tell). ;)


As the old saying goes "A fool and his money are soon parted". I was intrigued by the build as I don't remember seeing anyone use every extra option that was offered all on one model before. Chrome louvers ?


It seems like the seller goes around to estate sales, community rummage sales, etc. looking for items to resell, then puts them on ebay for what he knows is an exorbitant price. I seriously doubt that price will ever go down, it will just get caught in that endless cycle until he finds his sucker who believes that anything that old must be super rare and valuable. But, Mr. O is right, the seller has had 9 IDs in his 18 years on ebay. Mostly bouncing back-and-forth between two of them every couple of years, so something does seem seriously wrong there!


But, Mr. O is right, the seller has had 9 IDs in his 18 years on ebay. Mostly bouncing back-and-forth between two of them every couple of years, so something does seem seriously wrong there!

AHA! I thought so! My cynical antenna had me on high alert, and it wasn't so much the outrageous price this guy was asking for the Olds that got my attention, it was his awfully low feedback rating. I'm not sure what eBay's threshold is, but it would seem to me once you fall under a certain point say 95%.........BOOM! They should toss you out on your ear!

And no, I can betcha he won't lower the price! I'm watching this auction to be nosy, and I'll bet the price doesn't budge from where it is. But hey, I've been wrong before..........


Your math is correct Rob, but if he switched user I.D.'s for whatever reason, I believe his feedback may still follow him. That begs the question of why the switch in I.D.'s?

Sorry, but as they say "Caveat Emptor". I'd not trust anything this person is selling. :huh:  

EDIT: I should say that eBay's math is correct in how they figure a negative rating vs. a seller's total transactions. I stand by what I said that there may have been a user I.D switch for whatever reason. I could be wrong, but eBay sellers have been known to do that. 

Switching accounts is just that , switching accounts, and nothing is tied together , meaning feedback.


Switching accounts is just that , switching accounts, and nothing is tied together , meaning feedback.

I'm not so sure about that. Why the low feedback percentage with such a high sell rate in the past number of months and only one negative? I'm not schooled on the ins and outs of eBay policy, but I get the sense that your feedback does indeed follow you no matter what from name change to name change. 

I'd also be wary of any seller that had so many name changes in a relatively short period of time. I've been with eBay since '02 and have had only one I.D. :unsure:



I really have a difficult time understanding the angst with this auction.  All of us buy things most every day.  If the seller prices the item in line with what we are willing to pay, we will buy it.  We will look for a substitute item or forego the purchase altogether if the price is too high.


This seller has a fifty year old item and thinks it’s worth $300.00.  If he gets that price, then bully for him.  If he does not get that price, then it should be an indication he has it priced too high and should lower the price.  Time will tell.




I agree. What's wrong with him asking $300.00? He can ask. But, nobody is putting a gun to my head, and telling me I have buy it. I wouldn't mind owning the kit. But not for $300.00. In fact I'm sure what I would be interested in getting kit for is way below what a lot of you would be willing to pay for it. It's not one that is that high on my lists of must haves.

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