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Hey All,

So i have been adding spark plug wires to my builds for the last year or so. Some have came out better than others, but my questions is what tips/tricks do you use to make your own distributor and spark plug wires.



I gave up on trying to make my own distributor & plug wires a long time ago.  Just was not able to make a kit distributor look good with plug wires.  I've been using prewired distributors from M.A.D. (Morgan Automotive Detail) for years.  They come in assorted colors for only $5 apiece.


I use telephone wire for the boots with 30 gauge wire.  I carry a pretty good selection of colors for both at Crazy Scale Auto Parts, Rich.  You could also check out Fatkidd Hobby Products on FB.


I gave up on trying to make my own distributor & plug wires a long time ago.  Just was not able to make a kit distributor look good with plug wires.  I've been using prewired distributors from M.A.D. (Morgan Automotive Detail) for years.  They come in assorted colors for only $5 apiece.

I'm with Richard.

It's so much easier just to spend a few dollars & have a perfectly wired distributor come in the mail.




 photo DSCN4730_zpsdx6kbrms.jpg


I'm kinda old fashioned (or crazy) in that I still like to do it the hard way.

Here's how I drill distributor caps (scroll to the top of the thread):


And I make spark plugs/boots/wires in this fashion (scroll to the top of the thread):



I'm with Richard.

It's so much easier just to spend a few dollars & have a perfectly wired distributor come in the mail.




 photo DSCN4730_zpsdx6kbrms.jpg

Ditto. Old hands, and old eyes.


I never knew these existed. I was gonna try and do these now that I've gotten back into the hobby but like said above,  old hands, old eyes. 

Posted (edited)

I use aluminum tube and radio shack strapping wire.  I just cut nine equal pieces of wire, superglue them into a short piece of aluminum tubing, slide in another piece of smaller tubing from the bottom (or maybe a piece of brass rod), superglue it into place and call it done.  On the engine I will open the distributor hole to the same size as the smaller tubing, and I am careful not to use the parted-hair look when routing the wires.



Edited by TarheelRick

I'm with Richard.

It's so much easier just to spend a few dollars & have a perfectly wired distributor come in the mail.




 photo DSCN4730_zpsdx6kbrms.jpg

same here. I used to drill and wire my own,,

And especially  for $5 ea,

I just dont have the patience or the eye sight to do them now.   I have quite a few of these on hand for when I go beyond box stock ( thats rare anymore )


Yes, the pre-drilled/wired distributors are nice, but seeing a plug's porcelain and a boot on it is also very nice.

You can do the same thing with these.

If you look at the photos, you'll see that a length of heavier gauge wire is included for each distributor to be used for boot material.

You could easily slip a piece of white plastic rod into the boot to simulate the plug.




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