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O.K. Let's talk about hijack. The above post on down to this one is concerning that topic. Your post has nothing to do with this thread and actually could be interpreted as a negative. Bill, your post was good as it attempted to dilute the post above it. Skip, always being Skip. It's just you.  Harry, always the diplomat. Landman, way off base. Your computer has  virus. Your problem. Doesn't have anything to do with helping Harry. Bob, you just can't help yourself, can you.

This is a very serious thread and if you haven't experienced this or any other cancers first hand, or second hand as I have, than you can't even imagine what Harry is going through.  



Doug is right.They removed a bunch from the computer today. Nothing to do with the fund raiser.

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Okay, let's swing this one back on track!  The fund is now at $8,425,  or 16.85% of the goal!  It warms my soul every time I see that number inch up with familiar names and some guy named "Anonymous" who keeps popping in and leaving more money behind!   So lets see if we can make it hit $8,500 tonight!    :D Pretty please?

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Guys... sorry about the confusion and the stupid "I'm trapped in the Phillipines" nonsense. My email was hacked this morning (as if I don't already have enough problems to deal with). I have changed my email account PW, should be ok now.

No, I am not now, nor have I ever been, in the Phillipines... :lol:

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maybe the Disabled Modelers Group could auction off any kits and supplies which they won't be using and send the proceeds?

Spike...That is a idea...maybe they would be interested in helping out too...Ill ask them they have appreciated the help they have gotten.  I have a couple of local guys interested in some I have that I lost interest in so maybe I can help him out some after all.  No one should have to face things like this on their own and anything helps out.

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Sorry to hear the news, keep up the fighting spirit. We need you around here

I have tried my little bit to help out and encourage others to do the same. Come on guys HELP HARRY!!!


Edited by Twokidsnosleep
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To any who have not yet done so, please contribute what you can spare to Harry's fund. Although the involvement to we who have contributed seems to end with a donation, the stress and anxiety of the situation does not end for Harry. This is a 24 / 7 battle he fights.

To those that have contributed, consider asking non-modeling friends or family to help out. The world is bigger than our modeling family here.

Let's support Harry with well-wishes as well as funds. We don't want Harry to fight this alone.




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Cato's exactly right.

A one-time contribution may make you feel better (and believe me, Harry sincerely appreciates EVERYTHING everyone has done) but Harry will be fighting this thing for quite some time to come.

He needs our continued support, both personally and financially, until he's completely out of the woods.

I'm still committed to forwarding what would be my usual modeling budget to help his cause.

Surely we can all afford to send a little more to help save the life of our good friend.

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Come on folks, the fund has not been added to in two days.  It's $875 away from making 20% of the fund goal, so it's time to pony up.  Give what you can afford, a lot of small contributions add up.  You can leave your name with your contribution as a show of support or you can remain anonymous.  So if you have a spare $10, $25, $50  contribute to the fund!  Harry has been here for us for years, it's time for payback!


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Good for jbw for contributing B)

There has been very little activity on the gofundme site for Harry and it really surprises me. Anything helps 

It is not fake, this is someone's life ....you know he is proud and would not ask for help directly if he really didn't need it


Edited by Twokidsnosleep
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A nice milestone in Harry's Fund balance is the fact that over $10,000 has been raised due to the generosity of you members and Harry's personal friends. But the troubling thing is that this does not solve a major worry: the true cost of cancer care today. I decided to find out the financial nature of such care.

A simple search of chemotherapy costs these days is truly daunting. Having browsed a variety of medical sites, the overwhelming fact is that no two cancers are alike and neither is the cost to combat them.

A startling fact is that the cost factor depends largely on whether chemotherapy is administered by an independent oncologist  or one who is hospital based. The hospital based care is literally doubled the independent cost. There are many reasons for this including red tape and overhead costs. This is the very issue Harry is facing now, with his chemo treatment program to begin very soon. He is trying to obtain a reasonable cost plan between the two. Looking for hard number costs, I did come across this recent data for Harry's cancer type. The source is Costhelper.com / chemo costs:

"According to an article[4] in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, combination chemotherapy regimens typically used for advanced colorectal cancer can range from almost $12,000 to over $30,000 for an eight-week course, depending on the drugs. But new drugs usually cost more: for example, Adcetris[5] , a recently approved drug that treats recurrences of some types of lymphoma, can cost more than $120,000 for a course of treatment, and so does Yervoy[6] , a new skin cancer drug."

So although clearly the Fund is off to a good start, it is evident that Harry's weak insurance-based help will not be adequate and his out-of-pocket costs will be considerable. Many here have given what they can but Harry's worry continues after our involvement has ended. I have come to realize that the Fund's stated financial goal is definitely closer to the expense Harry may face.

So please, find a creative way for outsiders (non-modeling contributors) to help in any way possible. Deepest thanks to those who have contributed. To those who can make additional contributions, please do so. We can make an enormous difference is Harry's life.

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Charley, thank you so much for all your support of Harry, your friendship, and your insight on all of this.

It really means a lot. 

I owe you big time, and hopefully, one day we can get together for a drink and a laugh, with Harry of course!!!!

Mahalo nui loa!

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Harry, your update on treatment is welcomed. The port installation will be a factor that cuts down your discomfort in the long run. I know a dear woman friend survivor who had extensive chemo and praised the port which avoided injections.

Dude, we're all behind you so keep us posted.


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I spotted this thread yesterday.


We all should remember that we spent many hours of fun here in the forum free of any charge.

We owe that to Gregg and to Harry who sacrificed a lot of time doing an excellent job.


It is time for us to give something back, life should not be a one-way street.

Smaller or larger amounts, everything counts!

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