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Ed Terry's 66 C/FX Galaxie NEED COLOR Pic Please Help


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I was waiting on a color picture Bill Allphin posted that Tuesday and I e-mailed everything today and should have them in about 3 weeks. They will not have the decal in front of the front wheel I can't make out what it is if anyone knows please let me know.Anyone that would like to have a set e-mail me gaithere45@yahoo.com

It's a Crane Cams decal, Les Ritchey had a yellow one on his silver Mustang. I'd be interested in a set of those decals too.

Thx Ron


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On 11/7/2016 at 4:20 AM, 70sfc said:

Front fender says"Prepared and Tuned By JOE CLEMENT"

Joe Clement owned a Mobil Gas station in the Washington Manor neighborhood of San Leandro, CA.  He was built like a fire hydrant. My pop used to take our cars there for service.  He was affiliated with Kleinman-Cole Ford in Oakland, CA. Pop went to Joe to help him buy our ‘69 Country Sedan from K-C Ford.  

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