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I've been using Windex to remove chrome plating and it's worked very well in the past.  Last night I soaked a part from a recent Italeri kit and 18 hrs later, no joy.  This is the first time I've tried an Italeri kit and wondering if I need a different chemical?



I put the parts in a zip lock baggie and spray with mr muscle oven cleaner (I think its called easy off in the US) and give it a rinse and wash about 10 mins later and it comes off. It's not very nice on the lungs though, but the baggie keeps the fumes down until you open it and allows you to see if its cleaned off.


Sometimes when normal bleach won't work, caustic soda does the trick. 

I wonder if it's got a different name over there? 

get u some easy off oven cleaner (name brand) ..

"Caustic soda" (Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as lyeis the active ingredient in Easy Off oven cleaner...the stinky smelly hand-burning stuff...which works beautifully and takes the undercoat off too.

NOTE: The baggie also keeps the stuff WET so it will continue to work longer.

NOTE 2: I strongly recommend a careful scrub with Comet or other abrasive cleanser, hot water, and a toothbrush after stripping.

NOTE 3: If you use oven cleaner or any other harsh chemicals, WEAR RUBBER GLOVES AND EYE PROTECTION.


I've been using Windex to remove chrome plating and it's worked very well in the past.  Last night I soaked a part from a recent Italeri kit and 18 hrs later, no joy.  This is the first time I've tried an Italeri kit and wondering if I need a different chemical?


Easy Off Oven Cleaner (in the can with the yellow cap) works for me every time it's tried,  However, at least some European plating is done with a rather tough clear base and top coating, which can make it more time consuming.



I usually use Super Clean to remove chrome plating, it takes care of both the plating, wich you see dissappear right before your eyes, and the base coat.


The original EasyOff, Bleche White, and Purple Stuff all work well because . . .  they all contain lye as an active ingredient. That is the stuff which can remove paint and eats aluminum (which is really what that "chrome" is).  Doing this in a warm area also makes the lye work better.

Bleach and ammonia (Windex) might work but not as well.

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