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I started to work on this. The kit is well detailed.(engine,airpipes to the brakes,photoetched parts etc.)


There is a lot of work on the body(lots of burrs,the panel lines are not enough deep,the hood doesnt fit everywhere)






I built this one a long time ago.  Wish I had decals to repaint it to my skills now.   Excellent kit.  Enjoy!



I was careless,I didn't noticed that the white stripe on the side isn't a decal. tomorrow I'm doing a test on another part to see is it possible to paint a thin white layer on a deep green basic
or i have an other option, it stay green :D
The color : Tamiya TS9 British Green



A thought on the white striping. I would suggest the old spoon test on your paint issue. Think about using Tamiya White primer, since your using Tamiya paints anyway, as a base before trying to spray the White color coat. Most White paints regardless of manufactures have a hard time covering dark colors. Maybe even use a light coat of their Gray Primer then the White Primer and then the color coat. I would try it with a spoon or a discarded parts tree before trying it on the already painted body.    

9 hours ago, Steamboat said:

I'm sure having 12 wires to deal with really added to the fun!

while i made that , i was thinking about: why not an inline 4 engine made the jaguar :D but it needed in the engine compartment


7 hours ago, espo said:

I would try it with a spoon or a discarded parts tree before trying it on the already painted body.

I have two half subaru body so I can test on it


Use this stuff... It works awesome. Will not hurt the plastic if you follow the instructions. You have to soak it for 10 min , then scrub it lighty with an old toothbrush. Then wash and let dry. I wash mine with Dawn dish soap. I have used it on month old cured paint. Came right off





Always like those Jags. Gonna watch this one.

I did not believe that is a stripe but rather a light reflection but then I found this pic......

images (12).jpg


I have always thought this was a good looking subject in street or race trim. In the picture above look at the width of the rear tires. That is some serious rubber under that car.


I've seen this kit on the auction site and been tempted to bid,but never have,i'm looking forward to seeing how your build turns out.

18 hours ago, Gt fan said:

Use this stuff.

Thanks for the tip


1 hour ago, kelson said:

ve seen this kit on the auction site and been tempted to bid,

The original kit was made in 1986. This one is a re-release(Release Date:Early Aug., 2017) unfortunately its sold out from all webshop, what i know. But on the ebay i saw some with fix price
for example this (from Canada) 


Hi Gabor, Studio27 have a decal sheet that contains the white stripe so if your budget allows and you haven't stripped the body already you should check it out. I have three of these Jags on the bench at the moment and it seems top be a fairly good kit. The seat belts are very fiddly and take a bit of patience but the rest goes together easily.


I had this kit in the original release, it is a lovely kit and one i am thinking of getting again. Nice start and look forward to watching your progress.


I tried today the white color.:


It's cover well the green color,but i used a spray, so the edges are bad. I'll try tomorrow with airbrush

If the result isn't good enough, i will buy the decal set, what ShawnS recommended me. Thanks for the tip





17 hours ago, Silver Foxx said:

I have started to build this kit , I am using after market decals to do the black JPS version that raced in Macau . Keep up the good work on yours .

Thnks! and good luck on your build

  • 1 month later...

Has anyone built the 1/16 version? It’s been gathering dust on my shelf while I’ve gathered stuff like the Haynes manual and BBS wheels.


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