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I've spent the better part of this morning wet sanding a gaggle of hoods, roofs and sleeper boxes that I painted last week. With the paint good and cured, I was able to use my Micromark polishing kit.

Starting with 2400 grit, then 3200, 4000, 6000, 8000 and then 12000, then rub out with rubbing compound, then swirl mark remover, than Mother's Carnuba Wax.

The results are quite impressive!

Here is the untouched paint (base with clear)


Here is the same panel (different angle) after wet sanding and polishing.


Here is the top of the hood


Here is the roof


Click http://tahlborn.web.aplus.net/progress.htm to see more of the paint and sanding.

If you've been hesitant to try wet sanding and polishing, go for it!

You will like the results. Evan Hermel turned me on to this. There is no going back now!


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Guest Anthony Oteri

I can't imagine having the patience that you have Tim! Obviously the proof is in the finish and this finish is A1. A class paint job for a class truck. You gotta love it! 8) The reflection of the sky and the fence on the hood shows so well.

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