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What Did You Accomplish Today? (Model Car Work)

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Trying to finish a Maisto '53 Stude die-cast remod for the Dragonlady/Yuba City show upcoming.  I'm making a scratch-built McCulloch blower, air-box, and aaugh: pulleys and belts!  I'm glad it is 1:16, anyhow.  YC used to hav a dealer called Frank Morgan, and he advertised in some of the hot-car magazines as a source for new Studes with many mods 'Drive a Morgan Studebaker and eat no man's dust!'  I blew up one ad and am making a billboard of it, for a semi-diorama effect.  The Maisto (such strange kits!) had a mis-shapen door-window profile, and their usual V-12 plug wires on a V-8 (good source for those sets, tho; none better!!), plus I changed the green/tan color to bright red with a maize-colored roof and interior details, like is on the '53 Stude dealer brochure cover.  

Scarey when one is finishing up a build for show, because every handling is an opportunity for some disaster to strike!  (Esp if you're ME!)

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On 10/15/2022 at 6:01 AM, Straightliner59 said:

I shot some primer on my Vega. I used Zinsser Bullseye 1-2-3. Hides the red plastic, very nicely. I also finally tried out the fly-cutter for my mill (after almost 20 years), on a small block of aluminum. It creates a beautiful finish! It also makes a huge mess! 





Depending on how difficult it is to reach that mess, I’ve been finding lint rollers work great on the metal shavings from the Hot Wheels I’ve drilled and modified.

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3 hours ago, Straightliner59 said:

They find the nooks and crannies, but, they are plenty out in the open, too. I'll give that a shot!

Great! I was surprised how well it worked too and gave recently found rolls of bigger sheets that I also want to try. Sometimes I just roll it across the shavings or peel off a sheet or two and stick them to the desk top and hold the Dremel so the shavings primarily hit that.

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On 3/3/2022 at 1:18 PM, cobraman said:

Couple of weeks ago I bought the Revell Super Stallion Mustang. It's the kit with the blue and white photo on the box. Anyway, I painted the body this week and was going to apply the decals today. The decal for the side broke into several pieces. I should have known and coated them. I will go forward with a different paint scheme I guess.

Did you finish this build?  I do not remember a post.

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17 hours ago, PatW said:

Just test assembling the Meyers Manx Red recently purchased..


Must get it in focus next time under real light!

I like the metal flake looking color. We used to refer to this finish as "Bass Boat Flake" since it was pretty common on the Bass fishing boats of the era. 

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I’m trying to get better at hinging doors - I’ve never been good at hinging ANYTHING, so I watched the F1 race coverage today and did some scribing, hinge bending and careful gluing.  Used some micro-magnets to hold them closed, although it’ll need a couple more to get them to align perfectly how I’d like repeatably and consistently


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Managed to retouch the damages I made and started looking for clear.. but I was all out of Tamiya! So I had a acrylic clear over Tamiya black.. will see if it works out. Should be ok, might have been worse the other way around. Keeps my fingers crossed that it turned out good! 

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Now that the cold weather is here, I had to pack up my bench, as our garage is insulated, but not heated. 

So now I have my indoor temporary bench that I can set up and take down in a couple of minutes. And I'll be spending a lot more time at my mum's house, as her garage is heated and has a paint booth.




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18 hours ago, cobraman said:

Sorry if I missed it but wondering what color are you going with ?

Hello Ray, going to go with Acapulco blue. The color chart is off. It’s very old and faded. But the restored car you see is the color. I have something that’s real close so I will go with that. Will tint the paint to get it a little closer. Right now I’m painting my house so the progress on the Shelby is a little slow right now. Really getting a little picky on the prep on the Shelby. Found some very small problem areas in the primer . So I’m fixing them. A lot more work on this body than the cobra. The fit on the cobra is so much better. You picked the right big scale kit. 




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