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Freightliner FLA high roof Question!!!

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It would be just under 13'6" Hermann, almost as tall as the trailer would be. I'm not sure what that would convert to in meters for you across the pond, but here in the states our trailers are 13"6" and most of the condo style trucks like that are a couple inches shorter, so as long as your total height would be around 13'2" or 13'4" at the back of the cab you should be fine for close enough. As for the dimensions you asked for, the best I could give you is a guess of maybe 8 1/2 feet to 9 feet from the bottom of the cab to the top of the roof, but since those are more or less found just like in your pic rotting away in a field or just already junked and recycled, I would say the best way to make it would be mock the cab up on the frame and measure from the ground to where the total height measurement I gave you would be and mark that on a piece of cardboard and start your scratchbuilding from there.


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Thank you for this info Matthew!

I had indeed already made a drawing on paper based on various photos taken from the entire side.
After some measuring and calculating, I indeed came up with the same measurements.

In terms of size, I am in the range of your specified sizes and at the end i have to make a roof what is, in the metric system,  about 4cm in scale 1/25.

After your information, it is no longer a guess, but a knowledge.?

Thanks again!



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Even though I never drove any cabovers Hermann, I spent 18 years driving trucks across the US before medical issues forced me into retirement, so I know a little about them! ? I'm glad I could help you out with the info you needed.

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