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New salvage yard diorama in the works....


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This will be an addition to my Shambles Performance Motors garage. I've bought up a bunch of cheap but nicely built plastic models and am in the process of wrecking and/or weathering them. I found some static mat "grass" for the yard and added scale gravel and have other detail items on the way. I'll keep yall posted...







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Wrecking another one tonight. An Olds 442, nicely built model I found on eBay. Sorta hate to wreck it but it was dusty and, well... destined for Shambles Salvage Yard.  A tedious process to make it look real. This one was T-boned on the passenger side. Door cut out, exterior and interior carefully heated and "crunched". Brake rotor attached, concrete blocks glued to the undercarriage. Weathering is next. The details probably won't be visible in the final diorama... but it's fun doing them.



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5 minutes ago, Shambles said:

Wrecking another one tonight. An Olds 442, nicely built model I found on eBay. Sorta hate to wreck it but it was dusty and, well... destined to Shambles Salvage Yard.  A tedious process to make it look real. This one was T-boned on the passenger side. Door cut out, exterior and interior carefully heated and "crunched". Brake rotor attached, concrete blocks glued to the undercarriage. Weathering is next. The details probably won't be visible in the final diorama... but it's fun doing them.



Really good job with your wrecked Oldsmobile 442, John....... you have a unique skill there !  By putting in all the detail, you will be covered from all camera angles once the wrecked car is in the diorama setting, so it is worthwhile.


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20 hours ago, wrenchr said:

Hi John,

What is your heating method for the damage?

I started out long ago using a Bic lighter and/or a candle. I have scribed out doors and deck lids for years, but this "Wonder Cutter" from Micro-Mark really speeds things up. It takes some practice, and it's easy to mess up but, since these are wrecks, I can get away with it. I sometimes use a Dremmel butane soldering tool for short bursts, but it can easily overheat the plastic and make it shrink, especially thin items like A- posts and exhaust pipes. I do most of the heating with a Micro-Mark heat gun but still have to be careful to distribute the heat evenly and stay off of the thin parts. I often take the model apart, "wreck" the interior and exterior separately, test fit a few times, then put them back together.

After years of trying to make realistic flat tires, I found something that works pretty good; a hot plate and a 7/16 deep socket for 1:25 tires. I remove the tires from the rims so the rims don't flatten too. Then, trim away the excess rubber, and insert the rim. I've found resin "steel" wheels on eBay if  I want it to look like the wheel cover came off in the wreck. It also helps to have something solid to "crash" into the model being wrecked. For this one, I'm using the cab from a disassembled DM die cast '53 Chevy pickup (a whole other project that's in the works).

Sorry... didn't mean to go on and on. I didn't know if yall would be interested.





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I have one thread in this section, I only have 2 done right now. I'm currently working on a 32 ford that will be an in progress build for my shop. I need to make a larger shop as right now mine is a 2 1/2 car garage.   

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Looks like fun, tearing stuff apart is something I enjoy, you are going the extra step to make it good again.   I just went to You-Pick-It recently, they like to weld wheels together to set cars on, don't even bother taking the stupid space-saver spare tires off.

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On 3/22/2020 at 11:46 AM, Rotorbolt73 said:

Man ,I dig the car crusher. You scratch build that? 

I've thought of doing the same..buy a bunch of old prebuilts and weather and wreck em up..much easier than using new kits since most of the paint and assembly is already done.

Nah, I ain't nearly good enough at scratch building. Found the crusher on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Crusher-For-Dioramas-1-24-1-25-scale-model/222545131853?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

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1 hour ago, Tom Geiger said:

Go to YouTube and there are plenty of videos of crushers in operation. Note that they remove the tires first.

Thanks. I probably won't "crush" that GTO, but I'll remove the tires on the ones I do crush.

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