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Montaton #2..The results


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Today we have our Montaton(model car build marathon) after 3 years off. We had to build in a period of 8 hours the AMT 1994 ZR-1 Corvette. Even we didn't have a big group, the fun, laughs, and jokes of all the contestans make the event a big and unforgetable blast. The day started with a 45 minutes trip were we were worried because that as early as 7:00 A.M., the rain started to put our event on jeopardy, but, after that the hot 85 degrees sun(sorry guys in the north) resolved all our worries. Some of the guys brought a simple box with a couple of sprays and knives, but, some like me, brought a U-haul full with all the modeling armor you could imagine, but, at the end the result was completly the opposite.

Let's see how it ran witht the pictures ahead...

The 5 musketeers!..Alex, Mickey, Wilmer, Rubén, and Me, Simón.


Alex and Ruben started to set up all their goodies.



The action started on time as scheduled right at 9:01 A.M...



A moment of history at The Montaton...after a 5 years layoff, Mickey it's officially back!


Wilmer...hey, where's is Wilmer?




to be continued...

Edited by simonr
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Break time...lunch it's ready guys!


Rubén at work, oh yes!, the look of a movie star!


Everything was concentration..but...



Our friend Ariel Cordero was through the the tables cheering up, giving some advive, making incredible jokes, talking about his dream of being the owner of a Demolition Derby, and simply...jodiendo el parto(talking a lot to some of us)!


to be continued....

Edited by simonr
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A general view of every one's work!



Ladies and gentlemen...the winners:

Wilmer Valentin...Speedy Gonzalez Award(first modeler to finish) and 1st place award


Mickey Candelaria 2nd Place


Rubén Tirado 3rd Place


Even Alex and Me didn't finish the model or were not as close to finish, we had a great time together and now, we're movin to plan the next one, but a quite one for us,...the 24 hrs Le Mans Race build marathon...let's see what happenn..our what our wifes have to say....

Simón P. Rivera Torres

Edited by simonr
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Cool that you could get together and have fun like that. Our club has a 24 hr build planned for Jan 09. We are hoping to get people all over to join in with us.

Here is the link to Gary Kulchock's Fotki Site that show some of last years 24 hr build. They had 5 at his house and 2 at mine.


Here is the link to pics from my house:


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Vaya Tato, tranquilo...we have scheduled in 2 weeks a meeting were we used to get the Noreste Scale Auto Club to this Corvettes, but, this time finished. That has been a good excuse to put together the club again, or maybe with a new name now that the guys has the "fever"again. Let's see what happens. Of course, if you want to meet us that day or later, you're more than welcome. Another thing it's the 24 hrs. event for the Le Mans weekend, I know we will have lots of fun on that day...and night too.

Simón P. Rivera Torres

Glad you had a great time.

Unfortunately I was in Cabo Rojo and got a last minute call for a meeting SUNDAY afternoon in Fort Buchanan, the Army base. There went the weekend....

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