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Post pics of your fav Woody Wagon Builds


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After just completing a 1948 Ford Woody and seeing the old Longroof thread make a reappearance I thought it would be cool to have a thread dedicated to Woodies. Sort of like a scale on-line version of Wavecrest, the huge Woody show in Encinitas California usually in late September. I will get the ball rolling.

First a fuzzy group shot


My just completed 48 Ford Resto-Mod Woody


32 Ford Woody built for Deuce Days in Scale 2019


1950 Ford F-1 truck combined with a '41 Woody


Speedwagon converted from Deuce to '34 Wagon and I call it a Woody


1949 Ford Woody which was maybe my first serious model car build since I was a kid constructed in the early 1990's


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One of mine...




And although it's not one of my builds, this 1967 Airfix catalog shot of the MPC Woodie with Hot Curl and his bike and board needs including. Can anyone recreate the shot with a built model? That really would be cool.

Airfix and MPC had a deal going on in the sixties to release each others kits. Although the Woodie appeared in two catalogues it's never yet been seen in an Airfix box.



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Great subject for a thread, Phill!  Here are some of mine.  First, the AMT 41 Ford.  A great kit, really nice to build but tricky to get down in the weeds. I trimmed the crossmember, shaved the spring, sliced the tyres and slotted the backing plates and it still needs to go lower!





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My Monogram 1930 woody, purchase on a school trip in Albury New South Wales in 1973 and built as soon as I returned home.  Many years later I added the hood from a 1930 Phaeton. Still brush painted in Humbrol dark green after all these years!

About two decades later, built the purple one with yellow flathead running gear - spray paint this time around!




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Lots of imagination here!

Here's a Speedwagon, but stretched "à la Boydster", using the hood, front fenders (with wheelwells filled) and front frame section from AM'T's 32 Chrysler cabrio. The cowl was removed and rebuilt under the hood to allow continuous side panels to the front door cut-line and base of glass, which was replaced with a slightly curved unit. 

Lot's a fun!


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