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Revell Snowspeeder 1/52

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2 hours ago, PatW said:

I hope I haven't over done the weathering/battle damage!

I suppose that would depend on the weather, and the battle! Seriously, that looks very nice. Sure looks used! I read a bit of trivia that said in the movies, these were never actually called "snowspeeders", but "landspeeders" that had to be fitted for the extreme climate of Hoth.

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Right! That's a Landspeeder, from the first movie. I misquoted in my post; the others are simply referred to as "speeders" in the second movie. Early on, there's a scene where Han asks if the speeders are ready, and a technician tells him not yet, they're having trouble adapting them to the cold. That's when he has to go out searching on a Ton-ton. I think it was MPC who labeled them Snowspeeders, possibly to avoid confusion with other types? Would love to see one done up in some camo scheme, as might be used in a different environment. Yours is quite accurate to scenes in the movie.( I went back and watched it to check my "facts"! 😁)

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