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R model Mack garbage truck Finished

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This wknd I started to ruin a decent paint job, or make the packer look realistic depending on which glass ya drink from  ! 

I randomly sprayed  tamiya red brown around the working areas trying to show where most of the trash rub away the paint. Next up will be a steel wash..and if that looks convincing,  a quick application of wet effects for trash juice. 

I tried catching a few fruit flies, but they look like Georgian mosquitoes..so their out. Sorry..going for realism here lol




Outside will be dusty w grime around the moving bits..then call it finished 

Thanks for everyone's feedback!!

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On 9/30/2022 at 9:06 PM, Mopar - D said:

Nice start on making this look trashy Jeff lol. 

Thanks Dan , haven't had much spare time to putter.  Did spray a coat of grimy black over the shiny red packer blade and dulcoat over the cab body . Its a small step towards being ready to hit the streets 


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Thanks Gator ! I'm not sure how trashy I'll end up making this yet, but planning some debris and trash juice pooled in the hopper. 

I started building the rear controls. Every photo showed something different, so I chose one that would work with my top cover. A few length of rod, and bent pins later it started looking like I saw. 

One thing that kept nagging me while building the controls was getting them to stand off the body. One fairly clean photo showed welded tabs mounting the rods to what I'm calling  a bushing. I copied that type. Drilling a couple holes in the top cover walls for the linkages finished it up. 




My wheels showed up, so they went straight from the cleaning pond to the booth for some color. It was while assembly I realized I didn't have 2 narrow front  wheels . Digging thru the parts drawer yeided a pair of autocar spokes ..close enough. 20221014_202146.thumb.jpg.3ceb03233aa80ad78492f638f554cc52.jpg

Removing this brake hub boss allows the wheels to tuck under the body the way I want. 20221014_203317.thumb.jpg.a633f5ff9d186b12b1b19e0f4750fa54.jpg

Now to let the glue dry overnight and touch up the paint 

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Thanks everyone I appreciate the feedback 

I dabbled w a few details over the wknd, starting on the clean up gear. Most photos showed a few common tools hanging off the trucks , and I wasn't about to leave them off. These are roughed in right now, but you'll know what I'm doing 



The broom is nearly done,  spent awhile looking around house for suitable bristles for the broom head. I found course type on our door mat ..shhhhh hopefully no one notices the corner missing hahaha



The quicker picker upper needs more detail, but the overall shape is done. These both should add a touch of realism, along w the debris I'm thinking about 


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I wanted to try making garbage details for the hopper, 1st up was bags. I took a section off a 1-1 bag and stuffed a wadded up clump of tissue inside. Tying off the ends yielded a cool looking bag, so the squirrels bashed a few more. 20221022_162549.thumb.jpg.19d836f54e94db74728b2bf1b1362bf6.jpg


The hopper was given a coating of AK wet effects to represent the pool of soup that lingers. I tossed the bags into the hopper for fun..looked pretty good! 20221022_172327.thumb.jpg.22435c6d8b4bbb8c3523908a2da8aeca.jpg

I have several ideas for trash to add, then dusty grime to finish it off. Getting the oil       "dot filters" on the sides is next, using multiple colors for common staining on these from the yrs outside in the elements.


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15 hours ago, Gary Chastain said:

Really nice detail

Thanks ! Theres a few more underway

Today I added the company name, using a play on local and US history.  The truck number and the door emblem is a big clue..20221023_113625.thumb.jpg.7dc3f6afb38a664ff0f672057eec0845.jpg


While those dried, I started the raw umber/ Paynes gray dot filters.  Adding random dots, then wiping down w odorless turpentine blended them. I need a few more colors for variation..

Before .. way too uniform and bland 20221023_093429.thumb.jpg.456bcec65c0a195c4dc82c9fefcca778.jpg

After ..subtle is the key..not caked on 20221023_100303.thumb.jpg.d463b2d23a287d956a8758311cada2e2.jpg

The hopper side shows it better 20221023_113835.thumb.jpg.436b9fc014145e7ceaf4f9b83f9207c6.jpg

Once I finish this..dust pastels will add another layer then a Vallejo matt sealer wraps up this build

Thanks for following 

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4 hours ago, Gary Chastain said:

Jeff: where did you find the red/white reflective tape for your body? Been looking for some for my logging truck build. 

I picked up a couple rolls at model show a few yrs ago, down to slivers now and found out they quit making it 

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Thanks everyone I'm getting most of the weathering finished now..then finish those details I'm lacking. The broom idea was a 1st round fail back to drawing board 

Last night I added some gray / white powder mixed w turpenoid over the entire cab and hood . Shooting for a slightly dusty appearance..it took several times of cleaning heavy spots to finally settle in.


Quick spray of Model Air matt coat will seal this and flatten the gloss of the packer body 

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Last details before my Leach goes under glass, a couple bags of yard waste..and fabricated a couple slushie cups! 

I chose the white bags to show the ground up leaves ..hey its either rake them into piles for the wind to blow back into the yard..or haul em away !!

The slushie cups are simply juice box straws, w googly eye tops..some 020" rod is the straws. The actual slushie is pastel dust, using my family favorite flavors as colors. A nice touch to finish off this enjoyable build 



Thanks for everyone who commented on the build, pics will be under glass soon


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  • gotnitro? changed the title to R model Mack garbage truck

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