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More pix of the engine.  Air cleaner is done and the oil breather is added.  Plug wires are strung from the distributor through the tube to the plugs.  Only temporary as the engine will need to be painted before final installation.  Next up will be to turn some double pulleys for the fan and water pump.


Edited by Chariots of Fire
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Work has started on the cab and radiator.  The shape and size of the cowl and cab were taken from a 1:35 kit cab of the Diamond T tank hauler.  The measurements of the kit pieces were increased by 1.4x to 1:25.  Came out reasonably close to what I was able to get from the Walkaround and TM9-811.  The radiator was made of several pieces and had to be modified slightly to fit the frame.  Distance between cowl and radiator is now close so that some work on the hood pieces can be started soon.  The cab portion is raised up about 2mm in order to fit the height of the radiator.  It won't make a lot of difference in the look (I hope!).


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More done on the cab.  The sides of the cab are curved so it made sense to use brass for that.  Plastic would tend to creep over time.  Don't want that.  There are more parts that go on the inside of the panels but now that they are in place it will be easy to add them.  It's beginning to take shape!  And I got tired of trying to pose the tires and wheels without them falling over so the rear hubs got painted and the wheels were glued on.  I can still take the whole works apart by backing out the screw in the center of the hub.  That will be done when the frame gets painted.


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Work continues.  More details on the chassis and some work on the cab.  The exhaust is now complete.  It's more like a truck now than just a plain frame.  Doors are hinged.  Tow hooks and glad hands are on.  Cab is still removable for now.  There's a lot to do inside so having it separate makes the work a bit easier.


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Yesterday I worked on the winch and got the basics of it done so that it could be set in place.  The shaft that connects it to the power takeoff is also set in place.  I had to notch the front engine crossmember for the shaft but when I checked out the Walkaround of the Diamond T I saw that they did the same thing to the real one!  Sometimes you win one!

Today I concentrated on getting the radiator set up and made the cap and overflow for the top and drilled it out for the top and bottom hoses.  Just to see how it would look I gave it a coat of OD.  The renshape top is smooth and all it took was some fine sanding with a fine grit block.


It has gotten to be the time to start on the fenders.  With those done and set in place I can then concentrate on the top and side pieces of the hood.  The two blocks in the photo below are pieces of Renshape with the fender profile glued to each one.  The shape will be rough cut with a bandsaw and the upper surface sanded to shape with a disc sander.  The underside will have to be carved out using a dremel and round sanding disc.  This material is great to work with as it has no grain and is strong, even when cut in thin pieces.  CA glue works well with it.  The left over pieces of Renshape will go in the materials box for future use.  It's expensive stuff but a little piece sometimes is all that is needed.  No sense in wasting it.



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