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Thought I might as well jump in and post something being worked on in the model room. Chose the Green Hornet because I am having fun with it!  The model build was started awhile back and put away, got it back onto the bench and we will see where this goes. Made some changes because I can never leave well enough alone and am considering a bench seat instead of the kit piece. Don't look for a fast build here, folks, 'cause it ain't going to happen!?  Anyway, here is what I have going on with the build at this point.  Comments and suggestions always welcome. 






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Still working the tops lower edge to fit nicely to the body. Right now the top will sit on the body by itself without support so it’s coming along. Need to make a decision regarding the seat modification though; not much of a frame under the seat area and I would have to put flooring under the body. I like the idea of the bench seat but wondering if it would look hokey with the minimal frame structure. 


Have removed the chrome from the majority of chromed kit parts to facilitate cleanup. Got the items sanded and have filled the mold dimples on the parts that needed it using Evercoat Putty. Will let the putty dry and then get back to the model parts. 





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Nice work! One of my favorite kits to play with. Beware that there are a ton of sink marks etc.. like the length of the frame rails.

Onto the fun part.. the kit builds with a removable body… and nearly every 20-30s body in 1/24 and 1/25 fits on it!  Maybe build it with two switcher bodies?  ?

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1 hour ago, Tom Geiger said:

Nice work! One of my favorite kits to play with. Beware that there are a ton of sink marks etc.. like the length of the frame

Have done quite a bit of sanding and cleaning up of parts with this release. Opened up the frame holes so they would be similar in size and crisp and I will need to add some putty to the rails before I am satisfied with them, however, it’s all part of the fun. 


Just having a little fun at the work bench with scraps of hexagon rod and sheet plastic before I go back outside to finish the yard work. 


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Posted (edited)

After looking at more of the absolutely fantastic builds displayed by model makers who know what they are doing, and then coming back here and looking at what I put on the forum as a WIP, I can only say I am embarrassed that the build thread was started. 


Edited by Joe Nunes
Needed it
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Joe, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you're doing, here. It's very nice work! I think you're being too hard on yourself. I also think that's something we all deal with, or have dealt with. Don't get discouraged, judging your work, based on that of others. We all have different levels of experience, and, we all truly experience modeling differently. Just do your best work, and be satisfied that you did. Accept that there will be things you aren't quite happy with, but, move on. Soon, you'll see that your best work is even better! You've got a great start, here. It would be enjoyable to watch, as it comes together!

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I've been building one of these in my head for quite some time and am always looking for new ideas , I really like what you're doing with your Green Hornet .

Please continue !!!

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the nice comments above. 

I added a bit of detail to the belt pulleys, and made some pedal covers for the bare kit plastic piece along with some plug wire looms. The pedal cover pieces and wire looms were cut from the plastic that encased Sudafed pills and has an embossed aluminum appearance. 



Edited by Joe Nunes
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WOW!!  Very nice!  I have this one built.  It was the very first "cement" model I ever did, with a lot of help from my Dad.  It is now 60 yrs old.  Not near to the quality you are building but still one of my most cherished models!

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Thank you, Stephen!  That is sure nice when you can have a model you and your Dad built together; it's something you can look at and cherish. 


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The pedals look great! Who'da' thunk it?! Glad you're back at it, Joe. I get it, how life can toss a monkey wrench into the works of our happiness. I definitely find interest in what you're doing, so I am glad to be able to follow along.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate your kind words. 

And a couple of photos showing the next little modification of a kit part...I decided to not install the bench seat after all.




Edited by Joe Nunes
Needed it
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First off, Joe I'm sorry to hear of your personal challenges. I fear many of us have had those and had to put our hobbies on hold.

As for the build, when you can please show off this work. I bet there are many like myself who have this kit, opened it with great hopes and then felt it lacked potential. Your build is showing this kit does have potential. 

I look forward to seeing it finished.

  • Thanks 1

Working on the seat and here's how it's coming along sans paint. I will probably drill small holes around the seat edges, add some small diameter rod around the seat edges and then hang the seat using a heavy thread rather then just gluing the seat to the roll bar and roll bar support. That's the thought for now...




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