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Finally found and purchased the tool cart I wanted and built a spray booth. It's 1/4" plywood with a 24" x 12" filter in front of a bathroom vent fan w/75 CFM. I installed 4 receptacles on the cart and plug a cord into a wall outlet for main power. Each outlet is switched so I can run the fan, light, and compressor indepenently. I have to cut a hole in my shop wall to run the vent through.





The other pics are of my model work area. I have my bottled paint, glue, Fuzzi-Fur, parts, tools, etc. all within easy reach.

Hope you like it.


crazyjim ... :rolleyes::o;) the airbrush stuff is easy with a little practice..search on this and the other forums or pick up a DVD or book on it.

Donn Yost and Bob Downie come to mind...

I see that your also in the Fl area...one big worry down here is HUMIDITY.....so think about a dehydrator it will make a difference!

Do you have any pictures of that dune buggy in the background? It looks nice. Is it a VW or Manx? Or something else?

I'd like to see more pics of it as well...it's cool to see another 1:1 buggy owner here.


billywilly92 - I can tell you it's not a Manx, but any 'glass buggy is a cool thing to have

crazyjim ... :(:o:blink: the airbrush stuff is easy with a little practice..search on this and the other forums or pick up a DVD or book on it.

Donn Yost and Bob Downie come to mind...

I see that your also in the Fl area...one big worry down here is HUMIDITY.....so think about a dehydrator it will make a difference!

I have an airbrush book and have been thinking about getting the DVD one of the forum guys has.

Dehydrator? As in a food dehydrator?

Thats a cool idea. All I have is a cardboard box.:(

Do you have any pictures of that dune buggy in the background? It looks nice. Is it a VW or Manx? Or something else?

The buggy is actually an EMPI Imp (1970) on a shortened '63 VW chassis. Put in a fresh 1640cc engine last year with all the goodies - Bosch alternator, 110 cam, electronic ignition, big valve heads. I have the front end off right now because I discovered a hole in the gas tank. The tank has been repaired but I need another pair of hands to balance the hood/dashboard/windshield while I reinstall the tank. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get it back together and take some pics for you. By the way, after the tank is in and I get it cleaned up, it's going up on Ebay. Interested in buying it?

I have an airbrush book and have been thinking about getting the DVD one of the forum guys has.

Dehydrator? As in a food dehydrator?

The old man ....Donn Yost :angry::lol:

you might be surprised with a $40 wal mart cheepie and a good thermometer, cut up a few trays and vent if needed...It Works!!!

Posted (edited)
By the way, after the tank is in and I get it cleaned up, it's going up on Ebay. Interested in buying it?

If I bring another Volkswagen home it better be a camper....'cause my wife will likely kick me out of the house, and I'll need a place to sleep. :) Now, maybe if I find a home for the Ghia(scratches chin and ponders)


(a keen observer might be able to spot my Beetle tucked in behind the Manx :D )

Edited by VW Dave

nice imp; i think i would rather have one of those than a manx but its a close call.

on the paint booth, make sure you got a proper fan. you *did* read the post about the guy blowing up his garage while using a homebuilt booth with an non or poorly insulated and fume proofed fan, right?

nice imp; i think i would rather have one of those than a manx but its a close call.

on the paint booth, make sure you got a proper fan. you *did* read the post about the guy blowing up his garage while using a homebuilt booth with an non or poorly insulated and fume proofed fan, right?

Been too busy to get the gas tank back in the buggy, but I'll get there.

I used a bathroom vent fan. The guy at the home improvement store said I shouldn't have any problems. I did read the article about the guy using the wrong fan.


Looks good.Great minds must think alike, I finished mine about a month ago. I had the cart and wanted to do somethingwith it. It has an 18 inch kitchen lamp and two 75 cfm pulling fans. I know they're not recomended but most of my painting is with auto air from an air brush. All i need to do is cut my holes in the wall for the vents.

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