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Has Anyone Airbrushed This Paint ?

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On my B-Day my sister in law had ordered a Custom Shop 12 color basic airbrush kit from TCP Global and had the set shipped to me so I was curious to see if anyone here has used these airbrush paints on their builds and if so what kind of results did you have. 




Edited by Metalmad
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I'm not sure, but my initial impression was that they are ready to spray. However, the fine print on the bottom of each label says "Ready to Spray Reduced 2 : 1 with KR70" This might mean that in order to have them ready to spray, you have to reduce them with the included reducer.

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30 minutes ago, Bill Eh? said:

I'm not sure, but my initial impression was that they are ready to spray. However, the fine print on the bottom of each label says "Ready to Spray Reduced 2 : 1 with KR70" This might mean that in order to have them ready to spray, you have to reduce them with the included reducer.

Bill, when you look that statement, it means Paint in this bottle is "Ready to Spray, as it is already Reduced 2 : 1 with KR70" That seems pretty clear to me.  It coudl have been made clearer (like I just did), but they were probably tryign to keep it short.

Otherwise it would state "For spraying, the paint in this bottle needs to be Reduced 2 : 1 with KR70"

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Thank you all for chiming in on this.  The kit comes with 12 really cool solid and metallic and pearl colors so hopefully I'll get some time this weekend to shoot some of the colors on a few extra bodies that I have laying around to experiment with.

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Let us know the results.  Spoon test is the safest.  I hope that these paints have fairly small size metallic particles, not like some Testors paints which have large metallic particles. They don't look too bad when viewed in person, but looking at photos of the model show the glitter-size metallic particles int the paint.

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