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What I got for my trade

Mike 1017

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I like the idea, but I think it would actually create problems because other people will object.

"You traded an X for a Y?! Are you crazy?! An X is worth so much more than a Y. You got ripped off!!"

Etc, etc.

That's one of the reasons the pay it forward thread died. 

What one person perceives as valuable or worthy is not necessarily what others value.


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It actually happened to me. I had a kit that was somewhat rare and somewhat valuable, but I really had zero interest in building it. Traded it for something that was a little more commonplace and mundane, but of great interest to me, and something I had been looking for. And of course people had to chime in on that thread.


Anyway, if people want to share their trades, that's fine, but be prepared for feedback.



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On 9/8/2023 at 8:54 AM, iamsuperdan said:

It actually happened to me. I had a kit that was somewhat rare and somewhat valuable, but I really had zero interest in building it. Traded it for something that was a little more commonplace and mundane, but of great interest to me, and something I had been looking for. And of course people had to chime in on that thread.


Anyway, if people want to share their trades, that's fine, but be prepared for feedback.



Trading and Bartering go back centuries. It is not the monetary value of trading items. It comes down to what I want and what you got.


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