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Personal Data Consent

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Dave, that's a bit of a mystery to me as to why the asking consent box pop up is not appearing on other users computers.

Anyway, If it appears again I will try to screenshot it and get a copy over to you so you can see what it looks like.

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Dave, the consent pop up appears when I am using my Amazon Tablet.

I have logged on this time on my PC using Windows 10 and it has not appeared. So nothing to screen dump and therefore a bit of a mystery why it is appearing on one device and not another.

It may be Amazon's own Silk software prompting it, but on the tablet I have set up and use Duck Duck Go all the time. The consent request pop up has only been appearing fairly recently as it did not before.

Don't think I can screen dump from my tablet, so when I can I will take a photo of it when it appears.

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