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Revell '37 Ford pickup surfer decals - the sheet with the "Lemon Grove" company logos

Russell C

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(August 5 update, just need the top decal sheet now, or two, since I'd need a 3rd "Lemon Grove" logo for the back of my project)

Anybody not using the surf theme decals in the two somewhat recent Revell '37 Ford pickup versions seen in the composite pic below? I don't need the "Ford" emblems, whitewalls or license plates, just any and all of the surf theme ones plus the one wood bed planks rectangle. Also, anyone not using the horizontal thin bar custom grille in the AMT '37 Chevy coupe or cabriolet kits?  <---- Received one!

Got an idea for a custom surf shop rod where I could cobble together the various company logo decals into one name. Could use two sets of the "Lemon Grove" sheet since I'll need two logos on each side and one more on the back. The '37 Chev custom grille would be a nifty different look out front ...

See my list of various items I have to trade, plus ask for any specific item you need that I might have which is not on the list:




Edited by Russell C
Received the grille & lower sheet!
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Got the PM - just the '37 Chev custom grille is all I need out of the AMT kit.

Regarding the bottom decal sheet, just the surf-related images is fine if you want to keep the gauges, woodgrain bed, etc. I figure if anyone doesn't need the entire sheets of both Ford kit versions, the non-surfer stuff would be a bonus for me.

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  • Russell C changed the title to Revell '37 Ford pickup surfer decals - the sheet with the "Lemon Grove" company logos

Many thanks to our MCM member "rattle can man" for sending his '37 Chev grille and the surfer part of the lower decal sheet he had no need for,

So, I could still use a minimum of one sheet of the top decal sheet in my initial post, if not two so that I could put three "Lemon Grove" logos on the surf truck project I have going.

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