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Rob Moroso's Olds


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AMT's 1988/90 Olds Cutlass - Assembled & painted the internals about a month ago, then went back to the UK for a visit for a couple of weeks. First couple of sessions at the bench and I've started on the 'colouring in'. Tamiya TS-26 Glossy white straight from the rattle-can and my own mix of Tamiya acrylics for the blue. Will leave it for around 48hrs to cure before masking and adding the red.

Please feel free to ask any questions or make any suggestions.



Cheers from NZ.


#20 Olds 2.jpg

AMT 1a.jpg

AMT 1c.jpg

AMT 1e.jpg

AMT 2a.jpg

AMT 2b.jpg

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  • 3 months later...

Hey folks...

Well sadly the decals reacted violently with the lacquer clear (not 2K) and that was that - I stripped the paintwork using Mr Muscle oven cleaner (it needs another couple of goes) so now I'm going to go with 'Plan B' - the Buddy Baker Red Baron Pizza car...


Cheers & HNY.

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