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An Introduction to me and some of my past work

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Hi everybody. I'm new here, but most of you already know me, or soon will! :D

My name is Billy Kingsley, from Wappingers Falls NY. I'm 21 and have been building since November 1999. As of this time I have built 189 models but alot of them are not good at ALL. I won't be showing them, to see them you'll have to find them on my Fotki. I will just be showing my good models and important ones to me too.

I love all old American cars. If it's pre 73, it's something I like! I don't drive yet, but I hope to one day own an Edsel in 1:1.

In August of 2000 I joined the ModelCarList, which started me off on the internet modeling community and changed my modeling forever!

In March of 2002 I joined the Town of Newburgh Model Car Club. It was the absolute best decision I ever made in modeling. These are the absolute nicest guys you could hope to hang out with and consider friends. I would not be a model car builder anymore if it weren't for these guys. They taught me how to spray paint and build better models.

I also am the writer, editor, photographer and publisher of the TNMCC Newletter! After not having one for a few years I am restarting one and just sent the first one out this month.

I hope to someday give something big back to the hobby, but no more on that just yet.

I have been a NASCAR fan since 1992, but only started building them in 2004. I didn't want to brush paint them so I totally ignored them...which was dumb, but, what can I say. I do dumb things some times! Nowadays, that is mostly what I build, but I still throw in a street car from time to time, in fact my most recent completion is the Model King 70 Bonneville. I havn't photogaphed it yet, however, as I am saving my pictures for my MASSCAR coverage.

I like going to model shows. It is, IMO, one of the most fun things to do. MASSCAR this weekend will be my 15th model show. I've been going to the NNL East since 2001, the NNL Nationals since 2003, MASSCAR since 2004, LIARS in 02 and 05, and the Goodguys East Coast Nationals last year. I work that show (as part of the TNMCC) and I work the NNL East as a volunteer, as does my mom. Say hello if you see me, I love to talk models! (Which is why I spend so much time on the message boards, I would guess. I post on 4 model car boards daily, counting this one!)

OK, now, some of my models, in the order I built them.

My first model


My first NASCAR model that was not a prepaint. Yes, it is brush painted!


This is what got me building NASCAR models. I did open the trunk but no good shots of it. After I did this one, my mom ordered me one of everything Slixx had left in their NASCAR sale.


Believe it or not, this was an AMT kit. Unfortunatly, I can't show this one or take any more pictures of it, as I dropped the trunk lid down behind my bookcase. My bookcase that has not been moved since 1990. It's gone, along with parts of my 66 Olds and the tailgate for one of my 4 Monogram 78 El Caminos.


The Sand Shark on the sand at Lake George, my favorite place in the world. I also love Tom Daniel designs, but most of them were built before I knew what I was doing.


Johan Rambler. It is so far my only street car with Graphics. Slixx, of cource. The paint is Tamiya Bright green with a coat of Testors Pearl Clear over the top of it and the decals.


This car was given to me by Rick Hanmore, which he taught me how to paint on. This is truly the first car I ever spray painted.


My damaged modified. One of, if not, THE first attempt at damage on a car.


SMILE! One of my favorite builds of mine. There are 83 Smileys on it. The big ones are scratch and sniff. Possibly the first scratch and sniff model ever, LOL! Unfortunatly it took some damage and needs to be repaired.






This one would have looked alot better if I hadn't put the roof underlay on upside down...D'oh!



My only car to be printed in a magazine. Not MCM though.









Scratchbuilt the antenna on this one



This is a Palmer kit. The wheels and tires and suspension came from the parts box, among other parts. There is no engine as it would not fit under the hood. Well, it is Palmer!










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You guys know that billy has been around for awhile i for 1 have seen a toon of modeling improvement from the big kid LOL! Billy i am still tring the face hair race LOL! But no kidding , seens the frist time i noticed a post from another board Billy has came a good modeler and his stash (model stash0 has grown just as much as his abilty of building ! I enjoy seeing someone start this hobby ,and want to do more then just past a snowy or rainy weekend , but Billy has asked for help here there and trys hard to present the best he can do ! I my self lack the interest of stock cars but i was enjoy looking at Billys ! I guess i have said alot ,but in fewwer words KEEP BUILDING BILLY and nice to see you made it here !

PS i ant shaved in a week i only got this far !


i catch you some how i know i can do it ! (saying to my self ) I think i can i think i can i think i can LOL!

what are you doing reading this get to the bench and BUILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks Guys!

LOL David, I appreciate it. We go back a long way David, don't we?? 01 or so, right??

I joined up here as soon as I knew it existed, I didn't know it was around until the NNL East when Gregg told me about it, and now, here I am!

You got a LONG way to go with the beard David, I've been working it since 1997!

Here's a shot of me and my stash in January 05


Kits Owned: 1030something Kits Built: 189 kits started: 150something!

Can't get to my bench it's at home in NY and I'm in Massachusets for MASSCAR!

Otherwise I would have had my 9th of the year done by now, when I left it was about 80% done. I just need to paint the engine and all it's parts then touch up the tree attachment points, assemble it and take pictures!

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LOL Gary! I do tend to build alot of cars (60 in 2001 is my record, with an asterisk [*])

I've got 9 done now on the year.

The asterisk comes from the fact that in 2001, most of them were of very poor quality. many had no detail other then a painted body, I very rarely did the chassis or engines. If I even painted the body, it was brush panted. 2005, the origin of 48 of my models, everything was painted and they were sprayed too. Better quality all around!

I don't build for the statistics, but I love keeping them anyway! 48 is an incredibly high number (2002 had 8, 2003 10, 2004 17) and I had alot of fun creating those models! From late 03 until now is when I have had alot of fun with models.

I will build #200 this year. I don't know what it will be, as I'm getting close. (If I counted ones that are in progress, I'd be pushing 300!) I will just build as I go and figure out what #200 is when it's done. I'm also nearing 50 NASCARs. I expect to hit #200 in June or so, provided I work on models all of the rest of this month and next month too. Maybe sooner, but it is highly unlikely I will get it this month. I have 9 more to do before then and while I probably could do it, I'd be rushing things and there's no point in that!

Here are the two I finished and mentioned earlier in the thread. I displayed these at MASSCAR, and I've "Finished" another one, but I haven't decaled the tires yet, I'm out of dull coat and I want to wait, and I lost a hood pin and am waiting for it to get here before I photograph it.



More of them on my Fotki!

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My mate used to knock kits out quick.I would go round his twice a week say to see and discuse what each of us were biulding.When i went back the following time the kit would be finished and on the shelf,and some of these kits had flip fronts or widened archs/wings or something.

Its great reading about the amount of kits your biult,i wish i could find more time somehow.

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Billy,that pic of all your kits stash looks like my place.Im running out of room as im in a one bed room flat,ive got kits in the wardobe,kits in the kitchen,kits in the lounge.The ones in the kitchen are in the glassed doored display cabinet which is suposed to have wine glasses or something in.

Dave what are the kits hanging up in bags,are they projects started.

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